Meanwhile, Minos had raised a considerable fleet, and set out in search of Dedalus. 与此同时,弥诺斯组建一支庞大的船队,外出搜寻代达罗斯。
These include t2k and Minos, both of which use particle accelerators to whip up beams of muon-neutrinos and send them to detectors hundreds of kilometres away. 这些实验包括t2k和minos,它们都是利用粒子加速器把μ介子-中微子束加速并射向数百公里外的探测器。
( Greek mythology) an Athenian inventor who built the Labyrinth of Minos; to escape the Labyrinth he fashioned wings for himself and his sone Icarus. (希腊神话)修建迈诺斯迷宫的雅典发明家;为逃出迷宫为他自己和他儿子伊卡洛斯装上翅膀。
FAITH LAPIDUS: The MINOS experiment may also measures neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light. 米诺斯实验将通过实验测量微中子的速度是否比光速快。
They were not quasi-divine overmen like Pharaoh or Minos or the monarchs of Mesopotamia. 他们并不像法老、弥诺斯或美索不达米亚君主那样类似上帝的超人。
"Europa: a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by zeus, who had assumed the form of a white bull, and by him the mother of minos, rhadamanthus, and sarpedon." “欧罗巴:腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,将其劫至克里特岛,是迈诺斯,拉达曼西斯,薛尔泊冬的母亲。”
In America, meanwhile, Minos is being replaced with a fancier experiment called nova, which will start collecting data in 2013. 在美国的minos也正在被名为nova的更厉害的实验所替代,新实验将于2013年开始采集数据。
Last year two experiments, t2k in Japan and Minos in America, found hints of what it might be. 去年的两个实验(日本的t2k和美国的minos)发现了找到这个参数可能值的迹象。
MIONS-6000 Optic Disk and Network System For Medical lmage and Text ( MINOS) was developed in chinese windows environment of PC by using technology of Order Opposite Process ( OOP), using C++. FOXPRO and multimedia tools. 本研究在PC机中文视窗环境下,采用面向对象的程序设计技术,用C ̄(++)和FOXPRO及多媒体应用生成工具混合编程。开发了MIONS-6000医学图文光盘网络系统。
The tangled Indian aesthetics, mixed with so many culture forms as religion, ethics, philosophy and poetry, etc, is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it. 而与宗教、伦理、哲学和诗学等诸般文化形态盘根错节在一起的印度文学和美学更像是克里特岛上的米诺斯迷宫,往往令人望而却步。
Except the MINOS experiment and the OPERA experiment, kinds of the neutrinos experiments by far reveal that there is no obvious event of the superluminal neutrinos. 除了MINOS合作组与OPERA合作组的报道以外,目前各种中微子实验结果表明并不存在显著的中微子超光速事例。
I raised this possibility along the works of Plato, "Minos" interpretation. 笔者沿着这种可能性提出对柏拉图著作《米诺斯》的解读。
Some experiments signals, such as that of the MINOS, reveal that the oscillation of the neutrino is different to that of the anti-neutrino. 有些实验信号,如MINOS实验,表明中微子的振荡可能不同于反中微子的振荡。