The introduction alone is filled with references to 10th-century Persia, Jorge Luis Borges, Sigmund Freud, and the Minotaur in the labyrinth. 单是前言部分就援引了10世纪的波斯、西班牙作家豪尔赫•路易斯•博尔赫斯、弗洛伊德和迷宫神牛等丰富的内容。
The largest of Greece's 6,000 islands, Crete has been on the map since mythological times when it was rumored to have been the home of the Minotaur, a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. 克里特岛是希腊6000个岛屿中最大的。从神话时代起,它就出现在地图上,当时有谣言称它是牛头人身的牛头怪之都。
Now, she accepts the name proudly because this mountain goat has robbed more Minotaur merchants than anyone. 现在,她骄傲的接受了这个名字,因为这只“高原野生白山羊”抢劫牛头怪商人的数量超过其他受害者。
I risk opening one eye-the silhouette was of a minotaur, a scout of Quenn Mutare. 我试着张开了一只眼睛&一个牛头人的侧像。他是摩丽尔女王的一个探子。
( Greek mythology) a hero noted for his many great deeds: killed Procrustes and the Minotaur and defeated the Amazons. (希腊神话)一位建立了许多伟业的英雄;杀死普罗克汝斯忒斯和人身牛头怪并击败亚马孙人。
He was the Minotaur in a canvas-and-paper labyrinth of his own construction. 毕加索在自己设计的迷宫内是画布上的人身牛头怪。
By using the Neo-classical period, Monster and Minotaur and Painter-Sculptor, this article discusses Picassos classical tendency and the influence from ancient Greek art. 本文通过“毕加索的新古典主义”、“怪物和米诺陶”和“画家&雕塑家”三个部分论述了毕加索的古典倾向及受到的来自希腊艺术的影响。
According to legend, he killed the Minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth. 根据传说,他杀死了米诺托在克里特岛迷宫。
He's just hungry. It's not his fault. He's a minotaur. 他只是饿了,不是他的错,他是牛头人。
The labyrinth also led to the myth of the Minotaur, a fierce half-bull, half-man who ate children and had been banished there. 这座迷宫也通往了Minotaur神话,Minotaur是只残暴的牛头人身怪物,因为吃了孩童而被放逐到这座迷宫。
You cannot kill the minotaur. 你是杀不了牛头人的!
This was not by chance, it is the town of Minotaurs, and the Dark Ones kept it whole so they could replenish their army with Minotaur slaves. 这绝非偶然,因为镇上住着牛头怪,黑暗精灵们可以用这些奴隶充实军队。
Week of minotaur: double growth for Minotaurs and Minotaur guards. 牛头怪之周:牛头怪产量加倍。