As you know, Steven Bradley has been poached by Minton's& clever tactics on their part. 大家知道,斯蒂文·布拉德利已经被明腾公司挖走了&他们可真是高明啊。
As Ms Minton Beddoes points out, in the US the portion of national income going to the richest 1 per cent tripled from 8 per cent in the 1970s to 24 per cent in 2007. 贝多斯指出,在美国,最富裕1%人群在国民收入中所占比重,由上世纪70年代的8%增长至2007年的24%,增了两倍。
In fact, the report leaked was the so-called "Minton report", a draft of a study commissioned by the firm. 实际上,遭泄密的该报告是所谓的“明顿报告”,是该公司委托起草的一份研究草案。
Minton points out that an increasing percentage of California's precipitation over recent decades is falling as rain rather than snow. 明顿指出,最近数十年来,加利福尼亚的降雨量不断增加而降雪却在减少。
We are taking this extremely seriously, says Jonas Minton, deputy director of the California Department of Water Resources. 加利福尼亚水资源部副主任乔纳斯·明顿说,我们正在认真地考虑这个问题。