Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand 下周,他将在佛罗里达与密特朗总统进行磋商。
President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities. 密特朗总统昨天到达河内,以期结束长久以来殖民战争和冷战造成的敌意。
Before his election to the presidency, Mitterrand had enjoyed a long and varied career. 在当选总统之前,密特朗有过一段漫长的职业生涯,干过很多不同的工作。
Back then there were fears that the president, Francois Mitterrand, would invite the Soviet army to parade down the boulevards of Paris during his inauguration. 当时还有人担心,弗朗索瓦•密特朗总统可能会在他的就职典礼上邀请苏联军队列队穿越巴黎的大街。
He started to mimic the mannerisms, the talk, even the walk of his hero Mitterrand. 他还开始模仿他心中的英雄密特朗的言行举止。
In the spring of 1990 he gave in to Mr Mitterrand, to prevent tainting German unification with Franco-German discord and agreed to a separation of the issues. 1990年春天,他向密特朗做出让步,同意把这些问题分开讨论,以避免法德不和给德国统一蒙上阴影。
Mitterrand's Central and Eastern Europe Policies after the End of Cold War 对冷战结束之际密特朗中东欧政策的评析
Indeed the head of Mitterrand's surveillance unit admitted that his top priority was to protect Mazarine from the journalists and opposition figures who wanted to reveal her name. 密特朗的副官承认,密特朗的权力使他能够保护玛莎妮免受记者和反对党的追踪。
She was asked: "Did you and Mitterrand have a son before marriage?" 有人问她:“你与密特朗婚前有私生子吗?”
The joint decision to build the Tunnel was announced by President Francois Mitterrand and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in a ceremony at Lille on21 January. 一月二十一日,弗朗索瓦。密特朗总统和玛格丽特。撒切尔首相在里尔举行的一次仪式上宣布了联合修建英法隧道的决定。
It is no exaggeration to say that Mitterrand was instrumental in making EEC cooperation a possibility. 说是密特朗牵起了欧洲经济共同体合作的可能并不为过。
He was once a challenger to mitterrand's leadership. 他曾一度是密特朗的领导地位的挑战者。
Despite the French public's apparently unconcerned response to Mitterrand's infidelity, most French citizens are quite faithful spouses and partners. 表面上看,法国公众对密特朗总统的不忠行为表现漠然,但多数法国公民对配偶或爱侣都相当忠贞。
Soon after taking office, Mitterrand formed an anti-terrorist squad that spent much of its time wiretapping political opponents and journalists who might identify them. 密特朗执政后不久,就建立了反恐小组,小组的大部分时间用于窃听政敌和可能发现他们的记者。
President Mitterrand had a half-hour's secret meeting with him. 密特朗总统同他进行了半小时秘密会谈。
More recent state visits have included presidents Reagan, Clinton and Mitterrand. 近代到访过的国家元首则包括里根、克林顿和密特朗等。
Mitterrand was nevertheless able to set aside traditional resentments and, transcending cultural gaps, forcefully seek out opportunities for cooperation with Germany. 然而密特朗却能放弃仇恨,在不同的文化上,寻求与德国合作的可能。
Ois Mitterrand's government, displaying a traditionally French interventionist streak, a facet of DSK's philosophy that becomes more pronounced when he has reasons to tack to the left. 当时他展现了法国传统的干涉主义特色,这是不死小子哲学的一个方面,当他有理由向左翼靠拢的时候,这个方面格外显著。
Soon after he became President, Francois Mitterrand continued to pur-sue the traditional French policy toward Africa. 密特朗上台后不久就改变策略,保持法国对非政策的连续性和继承性。
Mitterrand and the Unification of Germany 密特朗与德国统一
The idealistic collision between Mitterrand and Eastern heretics reflected their differences. 与这些国家里不同政见者们的思想碰撞反映了双方的差异。
In order not to make the enlarged European Union into a loose organization, Mitterrand and other leaders promoted lots of deepening reforms. 为了不使扩大后的欧盟沦为一个松散的联邦,密特朗与其他成员国领导人一起推动着联盟进行深刻的改革和深化。