Mk. 10:41 And when the ten heard this, they began to be indignant concerning James and John. 可十41那十个听见,就开始恼怒雅各和约翰。
Mk. 3:21 And when His relatives heard about it, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, He is beside Himself. 可三21耶稣的亲属听见,就出来要拉住他,因为他们说他癫狂了。
Mk. 10:4 And they said, Moses allowed us to write a certificate of divorce and divorce her. 可十4他们说,摩西准人写了休书,便可以休妻。
Mk. 14:67 And seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus. 可十四67见彼得烤火,就看著他说,你也是同那拿撒勒人耶稣一起的。
Mk. 7:34 And looking up to heaven, He groaned and said to him, Ephphatha! that is, Be opened! 可七34望天叹息,对他说,以法大!就是,开了吧!
Mk. 4:14 The sower sows the word. 可四14那撒种者所撒的,乃是道。
The comparison results show that these national reference values of TPW are in good agreement within 0.171? mK. 比对结果表明:这些国家基准水三相点值在0.171mK范围内一致。
We give a ( Minkowski) constant MK for several kinds of function field K over Fq ( including totally real function fields and quadratic function fields) such that each fractional ideal class of the ring Ok of integers contains an integral ideal with degree ≤ Mk. 对有限域Eq上某些函数域K(包括全实函数域和二次函数域)给出Minkowski常数Mk。使K的每个分式理想类包含次数≤Mk整理想AOk。
The expanded uncertainty distribution of SPRT is not larger than 1 6 mK. 基准铂电阻温度计的扩展不确定度分布不大于16mK。
Consequently, it is suggested that the cells may be used as differential temperature sensors to measure the small change in temperature and their sensibility is 0.1 to 0.04 mK. 因此,该电池可作为微差温度传感器,测量微小的温度变化,灵敏度达(0.1~0.04)mK。