Moffat added that a recent Hollywood version starring Jude Law, 37, was even more homo-erotic. Moffat补充说前不久好莱坞拍的由37岁的裘德洛扮演华生的版本,同性倾向更严重。
Moffat, her husband, also confirmed that any future instalments would remain 90 minutes long. Vertur的老公Moffat还确认了,以后拍出来的剧集也会保持每集90分钟的长度。
And while Moffat admitted he himself did not know for sure when it would be broadcast, he did say I would place good money on it being at the very end or the very beginning of the year. 尽管莫法特承认他本人也不知道该剧什么时候能播出,他也说,在今年年末或明年年初我将会把一大笔钱投入到该剧的摄制工作中去。
We had to inform the BBC that Martin and Benedict had commissioned a new series, said Moffat. 我们已经告知BBC电视台,马丁和本尼迪克特已经同意出演第四季了。莫法特说。
The star added that he would like to see the show continue beyond a fourth series but admitted it would depend on whether he, Freeman and co-creator Steven Moffat could find the time to do it. 他还表示,自己很乐意看到在第四季之后这部剧集还可以继续演下去。不过他也承认,这将取决于自己和弗里曼还有合伙制片人史蒂文莫法特是否能抽出时间来。
Moffat said that he had a plan in place for Moriarty to appear again in the series since season 2, with Scott in on the plan as well. 莫法特表示,从第二季开始他就在寻找合适的契机让莫里亚蒂回归《神探夏洛克》,斯科特本人也在计划中。
Moffat said after the season 3 finale that it's possible that the show won't be on the air again for another two years, much like the first season's debut in 2010, the second season in 2012 and the third in 2014. 莫法特表示在未来两年内《神探夏洛克》都不会可能会回归,就像是2010年的第一季、2012的第二季和2014年第三季。
That was her last episode, Moffat says. 本来那是她的最后一集,Moffat说。
Very little is known about season 4 of Sherlock, though creator Steven Moffat has teased a few details on what fans should expect. 目前关于《神探夏洛克》第四季的消息我们知之甚少,但制作人史蒂文莫法特还是透露了一些粉丝想知道的细节。
Speaking about the return of the series, co-creator, writer and executive producer Steven Moffat says: A special, plus a new series of three episodes-it's a record-breaking run! 关于即将回归荧幕的新一季,该片的合作创始人,编剧和监制人史蒂芬莫法特说:一个特辑,加上新一季的三个剧集这将是破纪录的一季!
'I expect Mrs M.has made her plans,'said Mrs Moffat's voice,'but do you think the girl knows of them?' 我觉得马奇太太是早有打算了,墨菲太太说,可你们觉得那女孩子知道这些吗?
Sallie's friend, Annie Moffat, took a fancy to me, and asked me to come and spend a week with her when Sallie does. 莎莉的朋友安妮·莫法特喜欢上我了,请我随莎莉到她家住一个星期。
Fans around the world are waiting with breathless anticipation for series four, and screenwriter Mr Moffat revealed he had a devastating plan for the next instalment. 全世界的粉丝都在屏气凝神地期待着第四季,编剧莫法特透露,对于下一季,他有一个毁灭性的计划。
But in the new version, producer Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss rejuvenatethe stories by injecting elements which relate to modern life. 但在新版剧集中,制片人史蒂文·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯利用诸多现代元素为这个古老故事注入新的活力。
You work for Katherine moffat? 你给凯瑟琳。莫斐特工作?
On another occasion, MEG and Sally Moffat went shopping. 另外有一次,梅格和莫莎莉去逛街。
We believe that it could be evidence of anti-competitive behaviour and even co-ordinate price behaviour in the iron ore market, but it is up to the relevant authorities to determine this, Mr Moffat told the Financial Times. 莫法特告诉英国《金融时报》:我们认为,这可以作为铁矿石市场上破坏竞争、甚至价格协同行为的证据,但这要由相关部门来判定。
Mrs Moffat had effected hasty repairs with tape and gummed paper. 莫法特太太匆匆用胶带和黏胶纸给予修复。
Gordon Moffat, Eurofer director general, said the steel association could see "nothing" on the demand side to justify the price increase demanded by the miners. 欧洲钢铁联盟总干事戈登莫法特(gordonmoffat)表示,钢铁联盟在需求面看不到任何迹象,可以证明矿商所要求的涨幅是合理的。
Mr Moffat pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months in prison. 莫法特对上述指控认罪,并被判处6个月的监禁。