I've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan, but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners 'medal with Rangers. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。
And high-end company Silversea Cruises, which is headquartered in Monaco, recently opened a regional office in Singapore. 而总部在摩纳哥的豪华邮轮公司SilverseaCruises最近也在新加坡成立了一家办事处。
Monaco has yet to win an Olympics medal. 摩纳哥至今还没有获得过奥运奖牌。
Monaco is a popular resort attracting tourists to its casino and pleasant climate. 摩纳哥是著名旅游胜地,娱乐场所和宜人的气候都吸引大批旅游者前去。
In1993, Monaco became an official member of the United Nations with full voting rights. 1993年,摩纳哥以全票通过成为了联合国正式成员。
Princess Charlene of Monaco is the former Olympic swimmer. 摩纳哥夏琳王妃之前是奥林匹克游泳健将。
Britney Spears Prince Albert of Monaco 布兰妮斯皮尔斯和摩纳哥亲王阿尔伯特
I went to Cuba. I went to Monaco. I went to Spain. 在这段时间里我去了古巴,摩纳哥,西班牙。
Twice the size of Monaco, it will be a leisure and commercial centre. 该地块约有摩纳哥两倍大,将建成休闲和商业中心。
Regarding Milan's next opponents, he said:'The games with Cagliari and Monaco are different. 至于米兰最近的对手,他表示:对卡里亚尼的比赛和对拜仁的比赛是截然不同的。
A town and popular resort in the principality of Monaco; world-famous for its gambling casino. 墨西哥的公国中的一个城镇和旅游胜地;是世界闻名的赌城。
AS Monaco, Nice and Rouen in France and FC Winterthur in Switzerland. 法国的摩纳哥、尼斯和鲁昂俱乐部,以及瑞士的温特图尔俱乐部踢球。
Monaco Monte Carlo casino, reflected in the hood of a Mercedes. 一辆光亮的奔驰小汽车反映了摩纳哥蒙特卡洛赌场。
Obviously you reached that point in Monaco. 显然,你在摩纳哥已经达到了这个程度。
Sometimes after a race, I go to Brazil or Monaco to relax. 有时比赛后,我会回巴西或者摩纳哥放松下。
Monaco divides the paddock, with drivers either loving or hating the circuit. What's your take? 摩纳哥划分了围场,有的车手喜欢有的讨厌。你的看法呢?
Prince Rainier of Monaco has two daughters& princess Caroline and princess stephanie. 摩纳哥的兰尼埃国王有两个女儿&卡洛琳公主和斯坦芬妮公主。
Vatican City was ranked most stable, followed by Sweden, Luxembourg and Monaco. 梵地冈城邦最为稳定,再依次是瑞典、卢森堡公国和摩纳哥。
He was my coach at Monaco and signed me again for Arsenal. 他在摩纳哥就是我的教练,接着他又把我带到了阿森纳。
His actress daughter ( Grace Kelly) married into the royal family of Monaco. 他的演员女儿(格蕾丝克利)嫁给了摩纳哥的皇室。
In Monaco I hit the wall and in the last race it was okay. 在摩纳哥站我的车撞了墙,但上一站比赛没什么问题。
Arsenal, Lyon and Monaco inquired about the player last month. 阿森纳、里昂和摩纳哥上个月都为这位球员提出了试探。
Away from the racetrack, what have you been up to since the Monaco Grand Prix? 除了赛道新闻,摩纳哥大奖赛之外你还做了啥?
Only three countries Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco remain on the OECD list of "unco-operative" tax havens. 只有三个国家(安道尔、列支敦士登和摩纳哥)仍在经合组织“不合作”避税天堂的名单之列。
Monaco were flying around January time, although their results have been more disappointing recently. 尽管现在成绩不佳,摩纳哥曾在一月时酷了一把。
The existing list includes only Monaco, Andorra and Liechtenstein. 现行名单上只有摩纳哥、安道尔和列支敦士登。
I've been to the Principality of monaco. 我曾去过摩纳哥公国。