Montesquieu's awareness of the relation of the social to the political effectively yielded a classification of governments and societies. 孟德斯鸠对社会与政治的关系的认识,实际上产生一种对各种政体与社会的分类法。
Society is a large group of people as a whole, not isolated individual members.& Montesquieu. 社会是人群的集合体,而不是孤立的个体成员。――孟德斯鸠。
In China, the proponents of this view base their theory on Geertz s theory of local knowledge and Montesquieu s relevant theory. 就当下国内学界而言,这种理论往往以吉尔兹、孟德斯鸠等人的相关论述作为逻辑起点。
Montesquieu's separation of powers doctrine ( separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers) originates from Walker's separation of powers theory. 进一步分析发现,合约理论的“悖论”又根源于企业产权理论中的“两权分离”说。
Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit& Barohn De Montesquieu, French thinker. 自由必须受法律约束&孟德斯鸠,法国思想家。
Montesquieu was a famous enlightenment thinker of France in the 18th century. 孟德斯鸠是18世纪法国著名的启蒙思想家。
The latent purpose that Montesquieu tried to keep the tension between the reason and the experience is to keep counterpoise among the values. 而孟德斯鸠之所以试图在理性与经验之间保持某种张力,其潜在目的是为了保持价值之间的平衡。
Geographical Environmental Theory and Liang Qichao s Theory of Neo-historiography; Geographical Environment and Human society: a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel 地理环境论与梁启超的新史学理论地理环境与人类社会&孟德斯鸠、黑格尔地理环境决定论史观比较
The fundamental Research on Locker's Power Division: Compared with Montesquieu "The separation of powers" 洛克分权理论研究&与孟德斯鸠三权分立理论之比较
To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise& Montesquieu, French social commentator and political thinker. 要在世上成功,我们需大智若愚&孟德斯鸠,法国社会评论家和政治思想家。
Locke and Montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the West. 洛克和孟德斯鸠分别是近代西方分权理论的首倡者和集大成者。
From this book, he knew that he admired Napoleon, Peter the Great, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Washington, Lincoln and other figures. 从这本书里,他认识了令他非常钦佩的拿破仑、彼得大帝、卢梭、孟德斯鸠、华盛顿、林肯等人物。
The English are busy; they don't have time to be polite ( Montesquieu). 英国人很忙;他们无暇去顾及礼貌(孟德斯鸠)。
On the Purport of Montesquieu's Eco-Politics Doctrine 孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣
Montesquieu's fame rests above everything else on his political theory of the separation of powers. 孟德斯鸠的声誉主要归于他的分权政治理论。
Starting from "the spirits of law", the complete and perfect ideology of Montesquieu had been formed. 从“法的精神”出发,形成了孟德斯鸠完整而严密的法哲学思想体系。
And they took note of Montesquieu's condemnation of China's reliance on civility and the rule of manners rather than the rule of law to assure public tranquility. 同时,他们注意到了蒙德斯鸠批评中国笃信礼义,依赖德治而不是法治来实现社会稳定的做法。
Equality: Spirit of Law& Montesquieu's theory of fairness 平等:法的精神&孟德斯鸠的公平理论
Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.& Montesquieu 成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。&孟德斯鸠
Have this letter dispatched to the Marquis de Montesquieu immediately. 立刻把这封信送去给蒙特斯奇侯爵。
Chapter one expounds the source of Kant's political philosophy, mainly about the theory of natural law and contract of society of modern age, about the political philosophy of Hobbes^ Locke> Montesquieu and Rousseau. 第一章阐述了康德政治哲学的思想渊源,主要是近代自然法理论和社会契约论,以及霍布斯、洛克、孟德斯鸠、卢梭的政治哲学。
"The Spirits of Law" is the core conception of legal philosophy of Montesquieu. “法的精神”是孟德斯鸠法哲学的核心概念。
ⅰ, Montesquieu China issue originated. 第一章,孟德斯鸠中国问题的缘起。
Thus Montesquieu studies political and juridical system of human society by a positive method. 这一方法使他对人类社会的政治和法律制度形成的原因进行了实证的考察和研究。
Montesquieu thought the basic distinction between the orient autocratic monarchy and the European monarchy is whether monarchs obey law. 孟德斯鸠认为东方专制政体与欧洲君主制的区别在于君主治国是否遵守法律。
Montesquieu's thoughts on penal code is most related with his theory on form of government. 孟德斯鸠的刑法思想,与他的政体理论密切相关。
Voltaire and Montesquieu attached importance to people's right in liberty, but Rousseau in equality; 伏尔泰与孟德斯鸠重视人的自由权利,而卢梭更重视人的平等权利;
The third chapter introduces Montesquieu's political thought and theory. 第三章介绍了孟德斯鸠的政治思想和理论。
Pascal, Montesquieu and Rousseau, had great influence on Tocqueville. 帕斯卡、孟德斯鸠和卢梭等人对托克维尔产生了很大影响。
Aristotle, Tomas Aquinas, Rock, Montesquieu etc. state from civilization angle to research civil society, but Hegel and Marx transform their focus on economics, distinguished civil society and the state. 亚里士多德、托马斯·阿奎那、洛克、孟德斯鸠等人,主要是从文明社会的角度去考察市民社会,而黑格尔和马克思则把视阈转向了经济学角度,区分了市民社会和政治国家。