And they came a day after Sequoia Capital partner Michael Moritz expressed skepticism toward the digital currency. 而在之前一天,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人迈克尔•莫里茨曾对这种数字货币的未来表示质疑。
Michael Moritz, the legendary venture capitalist behind such investments as Google ( GOOG), Yahoo ( yhoo) and Zappos, is stepping down from day-to-day management of Sequoia Capital due to a medical condition. 曾成功投资谷歌(Google)、雅虎(Yahoo)和Zappos等公司的传奇风投家迈克尔•莫瑞茨由于健康状况不佳,将退出红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)的日常管理工作。
Michael Moritz, the renowned Silicon Valley venture capitalist, recently became Sir Michael, knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his promotion of British economic interests and his philanthropy, including a large gift to his alma mater, Oxford University. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世最近册封著名硅谷风险投资人迈克尔•莫里茨为爵士,以表彰他对英国经济和慈善事业的贡献,其中包括他为母校牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)提供的一大笔资金。
Last year Moritz shocked Sand Hill Road ( home of many VC firms) by announcing that he was stepping away from active management of Sequoia because of an unspecified and incurable ailment. 去年,莫里茨宣布,由于所患疾病尚未治愈(他没有说明是什么疾病),他正在远离红杉的管理层,消息震动了整个风险投资界。
Moritz also was asked for his views on bitcoin, given his history of payment investments like PayPal. 鉴于莫里茨曾在贝宝(PayPal)等支付类公司进行过投资,因此我们想听听他对于比特币的看法。
Mr Moritz said: My father was plucked as a teenager from Nazi Germany and was able to attend a very good school# 8201;.# 8201;.# 8201;.# 8201; entirely on scholarship. 莫里茨表示:我父亲在少年时逃离了纳粹德国的魔爪,并完全依赖奖学金入读了非常好的学校。
St. Moritz, Switzerland was again chosen as the venue. 瑞士的圣莫里茨又一次被选为比赛场地。
What's the average snowfall in San moritz? 圣莫里茨的平均降雪量是多少?
This played on his "multilingual skills", says Mr Moritz, where he can communicate effectively with engineers, sales people and financial analysts "with great charm and patience". 莫里茨表示,这得益于他的“多语言技能”,他能够以“极大的魅力和耐心”与工程师、销售人员和金融分析师有效沟通。
Numerous guests of honor traveled to St. Moritz, the beautiful tourist resort of Switzerland, to attend the opening ceremony and the competitions that followed. 无数嘉宾前注圣莫里茨这个美丽的瑞士兵旅游胜地,出席开幕式并观看其后的比赛。
Moritz Geiger, founder of phenomenalist aesthetics especially emphasizes it, but he looks upon aesthetic subject as its source, which is different from all sorts of factual aesthetics especially psychological aesthetics that treat it as psychological fact. 不过,与各种事实论美学尤其是心理学美学把审美经验看作心理的事实不同的是,盖格尔视审美对象为审美经验的来源。
Moritz Schlick is a famous German philosopher and physicist. He was generally known as the founder of the Vienna Circle. 莫里茨·石里克是德国著名的哲学家和物理学家,维也纳学派的奠基人。