Produced by the same team who made The Snowman back in 1982 and repeated every year since this animation is based on the book by War Horse author Michael Morpurgo. 1982年《雪人》翻拍的制作团队每一年都会制作新剧,这部动画是由《战马》的作者迈克尔莫尔普戈的小说改编的。
So we writers and illustrators and storytellers, and parents and teachers, and publishers and booksellers, must continue to play our part, said Michael Morpurgo, whose novel War Horse was one of the most popular books cited. 因此,我们作家、插图画家、故事作者还有家长、老师、出版商和销售商都必须继续发挥作用。其所著的《战马》(WarHorse)曾为最受欢迎的图书之一。