On the basis that recognising the problem is halfway to a solution, Mulcahy's comments yesterday should be well received. 鉴于认识到问题的存在就相当于把它解决了一半,马尔卡希昨天的那番话应该会受到欢迎。
The non-executive chair of choice: Anne Mulcahy, the former CEO of Xerox ( XRX), which she rescued from the brink. 最佳非执行主席:施乐公司(Xerox)前CEO、拯救施乐于危难之中的安妮•马尔卡希。
The finance officer followed up by asking Mulcahy if she needed someone to co-sign on her lease. 付款的时候,管财务的领导问她,是不是应该和谁一起在合同上签字。
Three years ago Mulcahy decided it was time to treat herself and went shopping for a Porsche. 三年前,麦卡伊决定好好犒劳一下自己,于是她决定去买一台保时捷(Porsche)。
Lest you think that I am just particularly unlucky, let me share the story of another woman, Anne Mulcahy, the former chairman and CEO of Xerox ( XRX). 说不定有人认为我有这样的遭遇只是因为我特别倒霉而已,让我再跟你说说另一个女人,施乐(Xerox)前副总裁兼CEO安妮•麦卡伊的故事。
You can't try to be me, Burns recalls Mulcahy telling her. 但据伯恩斯回忆,梅卡尼曾告诫她:你必须做你自己。
You meet Anne Mulcahy and she's a nice person, but boy, whatever difficult decisions need to be made to save Xerox, she would make them, and they were very painful. 安妮•马尔卡希是个非常温和的人,但如果为了挽救施乐公司,不管要做多么艰难的决策,她都不会皱一下眉头,而这些过程往往是非常痛苦的。
An uncertain economic environment is causing companies to take a more sceptical look at new technology investments, according to Anne Mulcahy, chairman and chief executive of Xerox, the US documents company. 美国办公设备公司施乐(xerox)董事长兼首席执行官安妮马尔卡希(annemulcahy)表示,经济环境不确定正使得各公司在新技术投资方面持更为疑虑的态度。
But before the weekend of networking, wine tastings, Pilates and trips to Lord& Taylor, Mulcahy spoke about the challenges they face. 但是,在上网、品酒、普拉提以及罗德泰勒之游的周末到来之前,玛尔卡茜说到了她们所面临的挑战。
Mulcahy adds that it needs more women abroad; 玛尔卡茜补充说,公司需要更多海外女性;
Like Mulcahy, other women who've ascended say their performance was the main propellant. 像玛尔卡茜一样,其他获得晋升的女性职员表示她们的工作表现是主要的推动力。
Then, putting the family-friendly ethos into action, Mulcahy ditched the conference to attend parents'weekend at her son's college. 然后玛尔卡茜就离开了会场前往她儿子大学出席周末家长会,把家庭友爱的精神特质化为实际行动。