The Pulitzer for poetry went to Paul Muldoon for his ninth collection. 保罗?马尔登凭借他第9部诗集获得了普利策诗歌奖。
Mr. Muldoon was born in Northern Ireland, near the village of Moy. 马尔登先生出生在北爱尔兰的摩伊村附近。
1984-New Zealand elects the Fourth Labour Government bringing in David Lange as Prime Minister of New Zealand, and thus breaking nine years of National party governance under Robert Muldoon. 1984年的今天,新西兰选举出第四届工党政府,大卫·兰奇任新西兰总理,从而打破了在罗伯特·麦尔顿领导下的国家党长达九年的政府任期。
A major thrust of Mr Muldoon's argument is that a poem is not a self-sufficient construct made of words which can stand alone without any knowledge of the biography of its author. 穆尔杜颇具影响力的一大论点是:诗歌不是一种自给自足式的遣词造句,因而对诗歌的理解离不开对作者生平的了解。
These picture are of very sensitive situations-sensitive for both Skip Muldoon and his niece Margaux LeBlanc. 这些照片包含着非常敏感的事态&不论对船长还是他侄女都很敏感。
In contemporary English poetic circle, Paul Muldoon is no doubt a spectacular one. 在当代英语诗坛,保罗·莫顿无疑是引人瞩目的一位。