Admiral Mullen said the Haqqani network has deep ties to the Pakistani government. 马伦上将称,哈卡尼网络与巴基斯坦政府有着密切的联系。
Admiral Mullen was asked whether there is "a high stakes bluffing game" going on. 当被问到,这是否是一场“赌注很高的唬人计谋”,马伦上将的回答是。
Mullen says the coalition strategy in the region needs to be economic as well as military. 马伦说,联军在该地区的战略需要考虑军事和经济两个层面,应该把部分努力放在杜绝罂粟生产方面。
"They are a good and important start," Mullen said. 这是一个良好而且重要的开端。
But Mullen emphasized the administration has a new strategy in place in Afghanistan, and is moving forward. 但是,马伦强调,政府对阿富汗已经有了一个新战略,并且正在推进这个计划。
The statement said Mullen also vowed to respect Pakistan's sovereignty. 声明说,穆伦还表示一定要尊重巴基斯坦的主权。
The United States has put its missile defense system on alert, but Admiral Mullen says he has seen no sign in the past few days of any significant change in North Korean preparations for a launch. 美国也提高了导弹防御系统为警戒状态。然而马伦上将表示,在过去几天里他没有看见北韩在准备发射导弹方面有任何重大变化。
Admiral Mike Mullen spoke at a Senate hearing; he retires next week as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 主席马伦海军上将在参议院听证会上发言,参谋长联席会议主席,他下周退休。
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen said it may take several days to verify the tests occurred. 海军上将马伦说,可能需要几天的时间,才能核实北韩进行的试验。
In addition, Admiral Mullen says Iran must also be a top priority for the new administration. 此外,马伦将军还表示,美国新政府还必须把伊朗问题作为头等大事。
Mullen said the president listened extensively to the commanders. 马伦说,奥巴马广泛地听取了指挥官们的建议。
Admiral Mullen said he has not seen details of the proposal, but is encouraged that an Afghan leader offered the idea as a way to increase border security. 马伦将军说,他还没有看到建议的细节,但是由一名阿富汗领导人提出这个方案,作为加强边界安全的途径,这使他感到振奋。
I have a classmate who travels from Malaysia and there are students from Ukraine, Russia, France and Ireland in the class, says Mr Mullen. 我有一个同学从马来西亚来上课,班上还有同学从乌克兰、俄罗斯、法国和爱尔兰过来,马伦说。
In time, Mr Mullen hopes the EMBA will help him to reach the level of chief executive and into the board room. 马伦希望,随着时间的推移,EMBA能帮助他晋升到首席执行官的级别和进入董事会。
Mr Mullen says he believes the EMBA will help him to build skills that will benefit his current company and enhance his future prospects. 马伦说,他相信EMBA将有助于他打造技能,这些技能不仅对他现在的公司有利,还能拓展他未来的职业前景。
At a late afternoon news conference with Mullen at the Pentagon, Chen repeatedly emphasized U.S.military superiority over China. 在下午晚些时候与马伦联合出席记者会时,陈又一次强调美国军事实力对中国的优势。
Carney said Admiral Mullen and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made this point in meetings with their Pakistani counterparts in recent days, and will continue to do so. 白宫发言人卡尼表示,最近几天来,马伦上将和美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在和巴基斯坦方面举行会谈期间,都明确表述了美方的关切,并且还要继续这样做。
But Mullen says the year-and-a-half the president allowed for the new strategy to prove itself is adequate. 马伦说,总统留出一年半来证明新策略的性,这是合适的。
Chen said he has invited Mullen to visit China as soon as possible. 陈表示他已邀请马伦尽快访问中国。
And every American can be grateful to Admiral Mullen as am I for his critical role in each of these achievements, which will enhance our national security for decades to come. 每一个美国人都如我一样对马伦上将在所有这些成果中发挥的作用心怀感激,这些成果将在未来几十年中加强我国的安全保障。
The United States top military officer Admiral Mike Mullen has admitted that President Obama's decision to accelerate the withdrawal from Afghanistan is riskier than he originally wanted. 美国高级军官麦克•马伦上将承认,奥巴马总统加速从阿富汗撤军的决定比原先预想的更加危险。
Tomorrow, Secretary Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen head over to the House Arm Services Committee. 明天,盖茨部长和美国参谋长联席会议主席马伦将前往众议院军事委员会。
Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, was among several American officials who subsequently demanded China take a stand. 海军上将马伦,对美国参谋长联席会议主席,后来是谁在几个中国采取的立场,要求美国官员。
Mullen says he has "no idea" what's going to happen in the next month in Afghanistan. 他说他也不知道会发生什么,接下来的一个月在阿富汗。
He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film. 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇的影片。
Despite their differences, Mullen called their talks very frank, in depth and fruitful. 尽管存在分歧,马伦认为双方进行了坦陈、深入和富有成效的交谈。
Husain Haqqani denied any involvement in the memo forwarded to America's most senior military officer Admiral Mike Mullen. 侯赛因·哈卡尼否认牵扯到一份写给美军最高级军官迈克?马伦上将的备忘录。
Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he'll recommend Navy Admiral Michael Mullen for the post. 国防部长罗伯特·盖茨表示他会推荐海军上校米高·穆伦接任该职位。
But in the same speech, Mullen said those successes are fragile and could be reversed. 可是在同一次讲话中,马伦说,这些胜利不但是脆弱的,而且有可能被逆转。