Audiences loved liu's funny character, Alex munday. 观众非常喜爱刘玉玲所饰演的搞笑角色艾里克斯曼迪。
Yet for Mr Munday the tailoring "DNA is the same". 然而,对芒迪来说,裁剪的“DNA是一样的”。
This paper summarizes the key points of Munday's translation coursebook Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, comments on its features and discusses Munday's views towards translation studies as a new academic discipline. 介绍了英国翻译理论学者曼迪所著的《翻译研究入门:理论与应用》一书,对此书的特点做出评介,并讨论了曼迪对翻译研究这门新学科的见解。
A Review of Munday's Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications 曼迪《翻译研究入门:理论与应用》评介