The Muller family have been making specialist beers at their brewery in Munster for 200 years. 马勒家族已经在他们位于明斯特的啤酒厂专门从事啤酒酿制达200年之久。
Piper Jaffray ( pjc) analyst gene Munster believes Amazon is spending more money than it earns on the program& by as much as$ 11 per user. PiperJaffray投资银行分析师吉恩•蒙斯特认为,亚马逊为Prime服务目前投入的钱要比赚的钱还多,平均在每位用户身上要投入11美元。
Bottom line, according to Munster: "we do not expect any material impact to these assumptions if Google maps were to no longer be the default mapping application on IOS." 总之,蒙斯特指出:“如果谷歌地图不再是iOS的默认地图应用,我们不认为这会对上述假设产生任何实质性的冲击。”
So big in fact, Piper Jaffray analyst gene Munster this week predicted the company could move 10 million TVs during its first full year on the market. 事实上,投资银行PiperJaffray分析师吉恩•蒙斯特上周甚至预测,苹果电视机推出第一年,全年销量将有望突破1000万台。
Munster thinks the TV will include Siri and FaceTime features but not unbundled channels. 蒙斯特认为,电视将包含Siri和FaceTime的功能,但不会有独立销售的电视频道。
Munster came to the same conclusion, although perhaps by a different route. 明斯特同样认为如此,尽管两人的推导思路也许有些不同。
Munster also argues that since these apple devices would perform closely enough to the iPhone, the need for the iPhone itself or tablet could become null and void. 蒙斯特同时指出,由于这些苹果新设备的功能和iPhone相差无几,市场对iPhone和平板电脑的需求将日益枯萎。
On Thursday, Munster reported the results of a quiet-room ( no street noise) re-test of the "improved" IOS 6 version. 上周四,明斯特报道了在安静的房间(没有街道噪音)里对“改进后的”iOS6版Siri再度进行测试的结果。
Munster expects a rapid sequence of new products and product updates over the next 12 months, including a new iPhone, new Macs, a new iPad and a TV. 蒙斯特预计,未来12个月里,苹果将密集推出一系列新产品和产品更新,包括新款iPhone、笔记本电脑Mac、新iPad和苹果电视。
Munster views the "wearable computer" as a major future tech trend and one significant, untapped revenue stream for Apple ( AAPL). 明斯特认为,“可佩戴式计算机”有望成为未来主流的科技趋势,同时成为苹果一个重要的全新收入来源。
Munster offers three scenarios: ( I quote) 明斯特设想了三种可能:(以下为原文引用)
Munster expects the number of Apple announcements to increase as the pace of product upgrade cycles become shorter. 蒙斯特预测,由于产品升级换代步伐加快,苹果的新品发布数量将有所上升。
Tablets will be bigger than PCs. by 2020, Munster estimates, tablets will be outselling personal computers and the iPad will still dominate the market. 蒙斯特预测,到2020年,平板电脑的销售将超过个人电脑,iPad将继续统治市场。
( Munster quotes outgoing Apple retail chief Ron Johnson, who has suggested that the current crop of students might be "the last generation with backpacks.") (明斯特引用了苹果前零售业务主管罗恩•约翰逊的话,现在的学生可能是“最后一代背书包的学生”。)
According Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster, Apple is expected to sell a million watches in its first weekend on sale, three times the first-day sales of Apple's last all-new product, the iPad. 派杰分析师金玛斯特预计苹果公司第一周能卖掉100万个watch,这个数字将会是之前theiPad发售第一天销量的三倍。
The plantation of Munster had for the time but a limited success. 芝斯特的殖民事业,在当时仅取得极为有限的成就。
Veronica Witte and colleagues from University of Munster wrote in the latest issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. VeronicaWitte教授和他在闵斯特大学的同事在国家科学研究院最新一期的公报上如此写道。