The takeovers panel yesterday barred US hedge fund Harbinger capital from using some of its Midwest shareholding to vote on a merger with fellow miner Murchison metals. 澳大利亚收购委员会(takeoverspanel)昨日禁止美国对冲基金harbingercapital在对中西部公司与本土矿业公司murchisonmetals合并交易表决中,使用所持的部分中西部公司股份。
Murchison was a shopkeeper and he had many influential friends who always voted for him at every election. 默奇逊是个店主,他有许多有势力的朋友,每次选举,他们总投他的票。
Harbinger, which owns 20 per cent of Murchison and supported the Midwest-Murchison merger proposal, purchased a 9.98 per cent stake in Midwest in the market. Harbinger持有Murchison的20%股权,支持中西部公司与Murchison的合并方案。在表决之前,该公司从市场上购买了中西部公司9.98%的股份。
Midwest is also in early-stage takeover talks with another party, which it has declined to identify, and is being pursued by Murchison Metals, a rival Australian-listed iron ore miner that has had an offer worth A$ 1bn rejected. Midwest也在与另一方进行初期收购谈判,但拒绝透露对方信息。同时,与之竞争的澳大利亚上市铁矿石开采商MurchisonMetals也对其有意,此前该公司价值10亿澳元的出价被Midwest拒绝。
Harbinger Capital, the US fund that is Murchison's largest shareholder with a 20 per cent stake, said it supported the proposal to merge the two Australian iron ore groups. 以20%股份成为Murchison最大股东的美国基金HarbingerCapital表示,它支持两家澳大利亚铁矿石集团合并的提议。
Sinosteel declined to clarify its intentions for Murchison, saying only that its focus remained on securing control of Midwest. 中钢拒绝阐明对murchison的意向,仅表示其重点仍是获得中西部公司的控制权。
Murchison has also built a stake of 10 per cent in Midwest in order to deter to rival bidders. murchison还购入了midwest10%的股份,以威慑竞争性投标人。
Murchison followed with his eye the hand of his chronometer. 莫奇生的眼睛追随着他的时计的秒针。
The strategic rivalry between Japan and China over access to Australia's mineral resources was highlighted yesterday when Murchison Metals launched a hostile bid for rival iron ore miner Midwest Corporation. 昨日,澳大利亚MurchisonMetals向竞争对手、铁矿石开采商MidwestCorporation提出了敌意收购报价,突显了日本与中国在澳大利亚矿产资源问题上的战略竞争。
Murchison itself failed in its own attempt to buy Midwest. murchison自己收购中西部公司的尝试以失败告终。
The battle for Midwest Corporation took a fresh twist on Monday when the Australian iron ore group agreed an all-share deal with local rival Murchison metals that trumped a recommended cash bid from Sinosteel, the Chinese state-owned steelmaker. midwestcorporation的争夺战周一发生新的转折这家澳大利亚铁矿石集团同意了与本土竞争对手murchisonmetals的全股票交易,交易金额超过此前推荐的中国国有钢铁企业中钢集团(sinosteel)的现金报价。