"Colonel musgrave," he went on, gulping somewhat," is a hard man." “马斯格雷夫上校,”他吞着气接着说,“是个不讲交情的人。”
The classification which is self-identified by this article of public finance function put forward by Musgrave is classical among literatures. 国内外有关公共财政职能的文献可谓汗牛充栋,而最为经典的是著名财政学家马斯格雷夫所作的分类。本文认同这种分类方法,但是得出这一分析结论的角度却有所不同。
Then, the numerous well-known economists such as Oates, Buchanan and Musgrave added to the supply of local public goods which is the first generation of the fiscal decentralization theory. 随后,众多知名的经济学家奥茨、布坎南及马斯格雷夫加入到地方公共品供给分析的第一代财政分权理论。
The American economist Musgrave expresses those as resource allocation and income distribution. 美国经济学家马斯格雷夫将此表达为资源配置和收入分配①。
The economist Robstown and Musgrave think that financial investment is irreplaceable for the economic development of undeveloped area which is at economic take-off. 经济学家马斯格雷夫和罗斯托认为,财政投资对于处在经济起飞阶段的欠发达区域的经济发展具有不可替代的作用。