And to end the list, here's a way to look at the firmware of your system& a method to get the BIOS level and the firmware on the NIC. 列表最后是查看系统固件的方式&一个获取BIOS级别和NIC上的固件信息的方法。
Whether multicast traffic can be received on the loopback interface, or whether the multicast transmitters are using the same NIC on which the data is being received. 是否多播能在loopback接口上被接收,或者是否多播传送器在接收的数据上使用相同的NIC。
From here, you can set up the Network Interface Controller ( NIC) with the appropriate IP information, address, netmask, gateway, and nameserver. 在该对话框中,您可以为网络接口控制器(NetworkInterfaceController,NIC)设置适当的IP信息、地址、网络掩码、网关和名称服务器。
These two nics are bonded together as a single NIC. 这两个网卡被绑定为一个NIC。
Tip: Isolating DHCP and TFTP to a different NIC will dramatically increase scalability. 提示:把DHCP和TFTP隔离在另一个NIC中,这会极大地提高可伸缩性。
Different network virtualization includes network interface cards ( NICs) at hardware level and virtual LANs ( VLANs) at network level. 网络虚拟化技术包括硬件级的网络接口卡(NIC)和网络级的虚拟LAN(VLAN)。
Additional NICs to icb-tuam are not needed because icb-tuam interacts only with icb-tivsam to exchange usage and accounting data. icb-tuam是不需要额外的NIC的,因为icb-tuam与icb-tivsam的交互只是为了交换使用和核算数据。
The failure of a Network Interface Card ( NIC) on one server would not affect the applications on the other. 一个服务器上的NetworkInterfaceCard(NIC)故障将不会影响其他服务器上的应用程序。
MulticastInterface: The address of the NIC ( network interface card) on which the multicast data will be received. multicastInterface:NIC的地址(网络接口卡),在其中多播数据将被接收。
In some cases ( particularly with Broadcom NICs and Cisco switches), you may have to hardcode the speed/ duplex on the card and on the switch end. 在某些情况下(尤其是BroadcomNIC和Cisco交换机),您只能在网卡和交换机上都硬编码速率/双工模式。
Another issue may arise if a NIC is removed or added to the system. 如果向系统中添加或删除了一个NIC,那么就可能会出现另外一个问题。
Network switch – A new private network for message traffic using NIC that would be used for public network user access. 网络交换机–一个使用NIC的面向消息通信的新私有网络,用于公共网络的用户访问。
You should see subdirectories for each NIC and bond on the system. 您会看到系统中的每个NIC和bond都有一个子目录。
For example, a network problem may exist on one of the NICs within a bond the virtual machine is on. 例如,有一台虚拟机使用了一个bond设备,可能其中的一个NIC出现了问题而导致网络问题。
Another method of troubleshooting this problem is to change the NIC to the console OS, bring up the interface, and ensure you can ping other IPs on that network. 排除这个问题的另外一种方法是将NIC修改为控制台OS,启动这个网卡,并确保您可以ping到这个网络中的其他IP。
I recently ran into a case in which the bonding driver was used to bond two NICs that used different drivers. 我最近碰到一种情况,即通过连接驱动程序连接两个使用了不同驱动程序的NIC。
For example, more device drivers, such as network interface card ( NIC) drivers and parallel and serial port drivers, are available for Linux than for commercial operating systems. 例如,用于Linux的设备驱动程序要比用于商业操作系统的设备驱动程序多,如网络接口卡(NIC)驱动程序以及并口和串口驱动程序。
You can use an application program called LinuxConf to configure or reconfigure the NIC of each computer in the LAN. 可以使用名为LinuxConf的应用程序为局域网上的每个计算机配置或重新配置网卡。
Nic Cage has taken on a lot of wacky roles in his career, but even this is strange. 尼古拉斯凯奇在自己的职业生涯中饰演过不少古怪角色,但即便如此,这件事还是会显得很奇怪。
The NIC also reports that vertical farming in high-rise structures could help raise yields and reduce water consumption. NIC报告还称,高层结构的垂直农业,也有助于提高产量和降低用水量。
But with DMA, which uses asynchronous transmissions, the device driver needs to wait for an explicit interrupt from the NIC. 但在DMA中,也就是用户使用异步传送模式,设备驱动须要等待NIC一个清楚的中断。
If it is set to promiscuous mode, network interface controller ( NIC) can incept all data packet to monitor. 只要把网络接口控制器(NIC)设置为混杂模式,网卡就能接收到每一个数据包,实现监听。
Try to reload or upgrade the NIC driver. 尝试重装或升级网卡驱动程序。
Design and Implementation of Intelligent NIC for TCP/ IP Offload 用于tcp/ip减荷的智能网卡的设计与实现
Given a frame to send, the buffer that holds it is released by the driver once the frame has been uploaded into the NIC's memory for transmission on the medium. 给一个发送帧,在介质上传送该帧时,一但帧已经上传到NIC的内存以后,该帧的缓存会被驱动释放。
Reading the NIC report one can understand why. 读了美国国家情报委员会的报告,你就能理解其中的原因。
In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data? 在一个乙太区域网路里,网路卡怎样知道什麽时候它能传送数据?
TECH · NIC traction convertor created the innovation era of AC motor transmission. 采用国际先进技术的牵引变频器开创了交流电机车传动的新纪元。
When the NIC receives this "magic packet," it powers up the PC. 当网卡收到此“魔幻包”时,就开启PC。
Improving the Server Performance and Usability with the Technology of Double NIC Address Bonding 以双网卡地址绑定技术提高服务器性能和可用性