The results show that two-level homomorphic NLM algorithm has the best performance from the aspects of background noise suppression, uniformity on the target and edge preserving. 实验结果表明,采用同态两级非局域均值算法在满足背景噪声抑制、目标图像均匀性和边缘保持三方面要求上性能最佳。
The author introduces the work which the NLM and NCLIS have done for improving the consumer health information service in America, as well as successful examples of the health information service. 介绍美国国立医学图书馆和全国图书情报学委员会对推进美国健康信息服务事业所做的工作,以及成功的健康信息服务案例。
About multithread and the way of its application in multithread NLM design. 并以此为基础就多线程NLM设计中关于多线程建立、调度等方面的API及其应用方法作一初步探讨。
NLM Gateway on Internet and its use 因特网上的NLMGateway系统及其使用
Purpose: To assess the value of the sonographic diagnosis of non-lactation mastitis ( NLM). 目的:评价超声在诊断非哺乳期乳腺炎(NLM)中的价值。
The enhancement effect of the phase conjugation wave was studied, which was produced by a third order nonlinear optical medium ( NLM) in a ( AB)~ N ( D)~ 2 ( BA)~ N Bragg microcavity made of one-dimensional photonic crystals. 研究了由一维光子晶体构成的Bragg微腔(AB)N(D)2(BA)N中三阶非线性光学介质(NLM)产生的相位共轭波的增强效应。
NLM ( National Library of Medicine) is the well known center of biological and medical sciences. 美国国立医学图书馆是世界上著名的生物学、医学情报中心。
Medical literature analysis and retrieval system online ( MEDLINE) established by National Library of Medicine, USA ( NLM) is the most important biomedical database all over the world. 美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)建立的医学文献分析和联机检索系统(MEDLINE)是全球最具影响力的生物医学数据库。
In this paper, the computerization model is established and relevant software is programmed based on the NLM ( NonLinear Mapping) theory. And the model has been successfully applied in developing and testing the MFLC oscillator. 本文依据NLM(NonLinearMapping)理论,建立了电算模型,编制了相应的程序软件,并在MFLC振荡器的研制调试中进行了成功地应用。
In this thesis, we are devoted to discussing the structure features of prokaryotic genes and genomes using the method of nonlinear mapping ( NLM). In addition, prediction of replication origins in some archaebacteria genomes is briefly introduced. 本论文主要用非线性映射算法讨论原核生物基因和基因组的结构特征,并简单介绍古细菌复制起始点的识别问题。
The present status and progress in study of nano luminescent materials ( NLM) are reviewed in this paper. 主要介绍了纳米发光材料的研究现状及其发展趋势。
GenBank is a public database of all known nucleotide and protein sequences with supporting bibliographic and biological annotation, built and distributed by the National Center for Biotechnology information ( NCBI), the National Library of Medicine ( NLM) and the National institute of Health ( NIH), USA. 基因库(GenBank)是由美国国立卫生研究院、美国国立医学图书馆以及美国国家生物技术信息中心建立发行的,所有已知核酸和蛋白质序列及其文献和生物学注释的公共数据库。
Format of XML file for NLM standard data 美国国立医学图书馆标准出版数据XML文件的制作
Therefore the sonography should be the first choice for the diagnosis of NLM. 结论:超声图像可以较好地反映NLM不同病理过程,应作为诊断NLM的首选方法。
In 1987, National Library of America ( NLM) brought up the Visible Human Project ( VHP). In 1994 and 1996 a group of man and a group of woman were published one by one, included CT, MRI and slice image. 早在1987年美国国家图书馆(NLM)提出了可视人计划(VisibleHumanProject,VHP),1994年和1996年先后发布了一男一女两组解剖数据集,包括CT、MRI和切片图像。
National Library of Medicine ( NLM) Possesses many authoritative biomedical databases. In this paper, several different ways by which these databases are utilized in our country are reviewed, and their latest information on Internet is described in detail. 美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)拥有很多权威的医学数据库,本文回顾了国内检索这些数据库不同方式的几个阶段,并详细介绍了今年6月以来NLM在Internet网上向公众免费开放的数据库的最新情况。
S: The unified medical language system ( UMLS) is an integrate electronic biomedical indexing language system, built by the National Library of Medicine ( NLM). 一体化医学语言系统(UMLS)是美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)主持开发的计算机化的生物医学检索语言集成系统。
Study on the NLM Computerization Model NLM电算模式的研究
Design and Implementation of NetWare Multi-task, Multi-thread Server Application NLM NetWare多任务、多线程服务器应用NLM的原理和开发
International conventions, domestic legislation, international trade usages and tribunal practices prove the existence of the NLM and its legal nature and the significant effect that the NLM has on adjusting transnational commercial activities. 国际条约、国内立法、国际贸易惯例和仲裁实践都证明商人习惯法在调整跨国商事交易方面,发挥着十分重要的作用。
Since the original NLM method uses Gaussian kernel so that the edges will be over-smoothed. 由于原始的NLM算法使用的是高斯核,在边缘区域容易出现模糊。
So far, this is the highest conversion efficiency in the Nd doped NLM lasers to our knowledge. 据我们所知,这是迄今为止在Nd掺杂的NLM激光器中,获得的最高光-光转换效率。
We employ singular value decomposition in the image gradient domain and propose an adaptive efficient NLM image denoising method. 利用梯度域奇异值分解提出了一种自适应的有效非局部均值图像去噪方法。
The methods should guarantee the legal principles and rules are part of the NLM factually, instead of dwelling on the primary stage of constituting international usages or customary. 本文认为编纂方法应当保证法律原则和规则事实上属于新商人习惯法,而不是停留在构成国际惯例或者贸易习惯的初级阶段。
Then it emphasized on the introduction of the principle and features of NLM Denoising Algorithm. 其次,重点介绍了NLM去噪算法的基本原理及显著特点。
The nonlocal-means denoising ( NLM) algorithm explicitly exploits self-similarities in images. It is one of the most powerful denoising algorithms. 非局部平均(Nonlocal-Means,NLM)算法充分利用了图像本身的自相似性,是当前图像去噪算法中降噪能力较强的一种。
The existing image denoising methods are classified into local methods and nonlocal methods, the nonlocal means ( NLM) methods as a brand-new image denoising strategy was proposed in recent years. 现有的图像去噪方法分为局部方法和非局部方法两种,其中非局部均值方法是最近提出的一种全新图像去噪策略。