The results indicate the provenance orientation is NNW by conglomerate component, denudation mountain, lithologic character. 通过砾岩成分、古剥蚀区及岩性特征研究,认为物源方向为北北西向。
For you to say NNW is extreme! 你得说在西北方向偏北太极端了!
The petrofabric study of NEE and NNW trending faults in North Yellow Sea and its environs 北黄海及其围域地区北北西和北东东向断裂的岩组学
According to focal mechanism, the directions of main press stress of the two are NNW in the seismic area but the fault plane solutions are different. 震区的主压应力为北北西方向,两震的受力方向基本一致,但断层面解明显不同。
The NNW direction faults in Qingdao area and their geological significance 青岛地区北北西向断裂及其地质意义
Study shows fractures of Baiyun depression mainly trend NWW and nearly EW, and NW, NNW, NE and NEE as well. 研究表明,白云凹陷的断裂以北西西、近东西走向为主,同时发育北西、北北西、北东、北东东等不同方向的断裂。
Lanzhou area developed two groups of dominant active tectonics: one group is NWW direction, another one is NNW direction. 兰州地区发育了北西西向和北北西向两组主导性活动构造带。
According to ore body characteristics and distribution, NNW hanging wall transtension fracture and Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose has great prospects. 根据矿体特征和矿体分布规律,北北西向断层上盘张扭性裂隙及跑马岗组褪色白云质含砾次长石砂岩具有较好的找矿远景。
The NNW structural system is considered to be synbasinal and syndepositional structures, which appear exert the most important controlling effects on coal accumulation in the basin. 北西西系是成盆期的构造和同沉积构造,对盆地聚煤起最主要的控制作用;
Strikes of fault system in Bachu uplift, a secondary structural unit in Tarim basin, are mainly NNW, while those in the neighboring Kalpin thrust belt to the north, part of South Tianshan tectonic system, are nearly EW. 巴楚隆起是塔里木盆地的一个次级构造单元,内部断裂系统走向以北北西向为主,北侧与之相邻的柯坪冲断带断裂走向近东西向,属于南天山构造体系。
Junction zone between the Ordos and Alxa block is a shear zone with sections of variable trend. The northwestern and southeastern marginal region of the Ordos is under NNW SSE extension. 鄂尔多斯地块与阿拉善地块间有一个具有拐折结构的剪切变形带,鄂尔多斯地块的西北角和东南缘处于NNW-SSE方向的受拉伸状态。
The comprehensive characteristics of active faults, physical mechanism of fault basins, pole direction of drainage system and fault plane solution of moderate and small earthquakes indicate that recent tectonic stress fields in the study area trend from NNW to nearly SN. 通过区内活断层性质、盆地生成和水系分布极向等的研究,进一步从地质上论证了该区北北西&近南北向的现代构造应力场。
In the southeastern and northwestern parts of the area exist the NNW trending Yangpingzi Zhichanggou fault set and NW trending Qianbo and Gaoniuchang faults, respectively. 在它的东南和西北分别有北北西走向的羊坪子-纸厂沟断层组和北西走向的前波、高牛场等断层。
The earthquake occured on the NNW trending tectonic belt which lie on the east of the Pamirs that new construct activity is intensive, most of faults in the tectonic belt is dextral strike-slip Holocene deep faults. 地震发生在新构造活动强烈的帕米尔高原东部北北西构造带上,该构造带的断裂性质多为右旋走滑的全新世活动深断裂。
The results show that the horizontal stress is predominant. 测量结果表明:该工程区的原地应力以水平应力为主,最大主应力方向为NNW,与区域地质分析的结果相吻合。
The main trend of the tectonic line in this pit is NE and NNW system. 本井田构造线主要走向为北东和北北西两组。
High fracture density is mainly developed at left side of NNW faults. 裂缝密度高值区主要发育在北北西向断层的左侧。
The paper analyses the three main faults that control the Hebei plain and the distribution and activity character of NWW 、 NNW 、 NNE 、 NE, four groups of important faults. At last, the paper summarizes the basic characters of it. 系统分析了控制河北平原构造格架的三条主体断裂以及NWW、NNW、NNE、NE四组重要断裂的分布及活动性,并归纳出了其总体特征。能动性是独立个性的根本特征;
At late Eocene, the Pacific Plate subduction direction were changed from NNW to WNW, and the development of Eocene fault depressions in the eastern part of the basin were controlled by dextral stresses. 始新世晚期,太平洋板块俯冲方向由NNW转为WNW,右旋应力场控制了盆地东部始新世断拗的发育。
Analyses of fault plane slip vectors and displacement features of younger piedmont alluvial fans and small gullies along the fault suggest that the fault zone is an oblique-extensional, sinistral strike-slip boundary fault znoe, with the extension oriented in a NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction. 断面滑动矢量分析和山前年轻冲积扇体和小冲沟沿断裂错移特征分析,表明太行山南缘断裂带是一条斜张左旋走滑边界断裂带,引张方向为NWSE至NNWSSE。
The modern activity of NNW direction faults in North China 华北地区NNW向断裂的现代活动性特征
Regional tectonics possess earthquake development features, accumulating mass strain energy and transmitting strain energy to nearby high stress region. The seismogenic structure in this region is composed of two blind faults, one trending NNW and the other NE. 区域构造具备了大量积累应变能和向高应力区传递应变能的孕震构造特征,北北西和北东向的隐伏断裂共同构成了区域的发震构造。
The late Tertiary dynamic property change of NEE and NNW trending faults developed in North Yellow Sea and its surrounding region is caused by the motion direction change of the Pacific plate. 北黄海及周围地区的北东东向和北北西向断裂,在第三纪末改变了一次动力学性质,是起因于太平洋板块运动方向的变更。
Features and origin of the NNW strike-slip faults on the southern slope of Huimin Sag 惠民凹陷南坡北北西向走滑断裂带的发育特征及成因分析
The metallogenetic necessary condition is deep fault, which controls the basic and ultrabasic rock body of bearing ore, and the connecting fractures between NNW and NW direction faults controls the ore-body; 通过对成矿必要条件的深入研究,得出深大断裂及其次级断裂控制了岩体的产出,北北西向断裂叠加北西向断裂控制了矿体的产出;
Activity ways and formation age of the NNW tectonics in the northern Tibet Plateau 青藏高原北部NNW向构造活动方式及形成年代
The first period NNW folds are recumbent-isoclinal. 区内第一期褶皱为NNW向、轴面东倾的同斜&平卧褶皱;
It is a conjugate rupture combination of 3 NEE faults with left-lateral strike-slip and 2 NNW faults with right-lateral strike-slip. 配合其它资料,提出龙陵地震序列强震的破裂特征是:由3条北东东向左旋走滑断层和2条北北西向右旋走滑断层组成的共轭破裂组合。
The results show as follows. ( 1) According to determination results of basic aeolian physical parameter, the main wind direction of research area in observation time is NW, WNW or NNW, wind power of research area in observation time strong and frequent. 研究结果表明:(1)根据对研究区风沙运动基本参数的律定结果,研究区在观测时期内风力强劲,侵蚀发生频繁,且主要风向为NW、WNW或者NNW。