It provides multiple file system and even LVM support, including ext2, ext3, xfs, jfs, and LVM2 under GNU/ Linux; FAT, NTFS under Microsoft Windows; and HFS+ under Mac OS. 提供了多个文件系统甚至LVM支持,包括面向GNU/Linux的ext2、ext3、xfs、jfs和LVM2;面向MSWindows的FAT、NTFS;以及面向MacOS的HFS+。
Thus, it's impossible to differentiate Linux file systems and NTFS or FAT file systems from their partition table GUIDs alone. 这样,仅从它们的分区表GUID区分Linux文件系统和NTFS或FAT是不可能的。
With the cluster agent approach, you just need to spare some space inside the FAT32 or NTFS filesystem to host Linux agent binaries. 使用集群代理的方法,您只需要在FAT32或者NTFS文件系统中留出一些空间来存放Linux代理二进制程序。
Note that here,/ dev/ sdb1 is an NTFS file system on the host server, and it may be open, so a force option might be required to mount it successfully. 注意,/dev/sdb1在主机服务器上是一个NTFS文件系统,它可能是公开的,因此要成功地挂载它,可能需要使用一个强制选项。
Among common non-Linux file systems, FAT and NTFS can be grown, shrunk, and moved. 在普通的非Linux文件系统中,FAT和NTFS可以增长、缩小和移动。
The default setting of-q ( ntfsclone> partimage> dd) is best suited to our NTFS-based backup. q(ntfsclone>partimage>dd)也是默认设置,非常适合我们的基于NTFS的备份。
369 GB SCSI hard drives formatted with NTFS 个69GB的SCSI硬盘驱动器,格式化为NTFS
Other major file systems that NetBSD supports include the Linux ext2 and the Windows NTFS and FAT32 file systems. NetBSD支持的其他主要文件系统包括Linuxext2、WindowsNTFS和FAT32文件系统。
When programming in Mono, the developer is not aware which file system his application will be using, a POSIX one, or a FAT or NTFS one. 当在Mono中编写代码时,开发者并不会意识到应用将使用何种文件系统,POSIX还是FAT,抑或是NTFS。
You can extend a simple or spanned volume on a dynamic disk so long as that volume is formatted as NTFS and so long as the volume is not the system or boot volume. 只要单一或跨区卷在NTFS下格式化并且不是系统卷或根卷,你可以在动态磁盘上扩充该卷。
Compressed, encrypted and sparse are managed by NTFS in16-cluster blocks. 压缩的、加密的,和稀疏(的文件)被NTFS管制于16-簇块中。
These features include NTFS permissions, URL authorization, and File authorization. 这些授权包括NTFS权限、URL授权和文件授权。
For detailed information about understanding and managing NTFS permissions, see the windows documentation and resource kits. 有关了解和管理ntfs权限的详细信息,请参阅windows文档和资源工具包。
The XDrive can be mounted as if it were a NTFS formatted hard drive, allowing it to work with normal file I/ O APIs. XDrive能像一块NTFS格式的硬盘那样被挂接,让其能用普通的文件I/OAPI来访问。
If you have more than one disk in your PC, you can increase performance by moving your paging file to the second drive and formatting the volume using FAT32 instead of NTFS. 如果你的电脑中不止一块硬盘,你可以将你的页面文件移到第二块硬盘并且将它的的文件系统改为FAT32而不是NTFs。
These results suggest that the activities of NTFs might play an important role in survival of neurons after ischemia. 这对脑缺血后神经元的损伤修复可能起重要作用。
NTFS helps provide file protection based on users and groups, and only allows users with administrative privileges for a particular level to edit security configuration files. ntfs帮助提供基于用户和组的文件保护,并且只允许具有特定级别的管理特权的用户来编辑安全配置文件。
This article first makes an introduction to NTFS file system structure, and then with an experimental comparison, discusses the features of deleted files and ways to recover them after being deleted. 本文介绍了NTFS文件系统的结构,通过实验对比给出了文件删除的特征,并对NTFS文件系统下文件删除后的恢复方法作了介绍。
To set permissions on this file, it must be on a drive formatted by the NTFS file system. 如果要设置该文件的权限,它必须位于由NTFS文件系统格式化的驱动器上。
In order to avoid these problems, ASP developers must have a firm grasp of IIS authentication and controlling access to pages using NTFS file permissions. 要避免这些问题,ASP开发者必须牢固掌握IIS认证并使用NTFS文件许可来控制进入页面。
If your XP or Vista computer is not using NFTS, make sure you convert your FAT disk to the NTFS file system. 如果你不是使用NFTs文件系统,确定将你的FAT系统转成NFTs系统。
Systems that do not use the NTFS file system create security weaknesses by allowing unauthorized users to modify security policy. 不使用ntfs文件系统的系统会允许未经授权的用户修改安全策略,因而具有安全弱点。
Some file systems, such as NTFS file system, support compression or encryption for individual files and directories. 一些文件系统,像NTFS文件系统,对于个别的文件或目录支持压缩或加密。
Rootkit Detection Technique Based on NTFS Disk Parse 基于NTFS磁盘解析的Rootkit检测技术
This problem occurs because the third-party driver may prevent you from opening files successfully on a NTFS file system volume. 因为第三方驱动程序可能妨碍您打开成功ntfs文件系统卷上文件发生此问题。
The Shared Folder Wizard can only run on NTFS volumes. “共享文件夹向导”只能在ntfs卷上运行。
COMPACT Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions. 显示或改变NTFS分区上文件的压缩。
You may choose to scan the boot sector, system memory, archives, runtime packers, email, and NTFS ( ADS) scanning. 你可以选择扫描的引导扇区,系统记忆体,档案,运行行囊,电子邮件和NTFS(DS)统扫描。
Analysis of Structure and Security of NTFS File System NTFS文件系统结构与安全性研究
Are your disk partition offsets, RAID stripe sizes, and NTFS allocation units set correctly? 分配单位,簇大小和分区。可以参看。