
美 [ˈnæbəˌkɑv]

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  1. Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family.
  2. America, Mr. Roper suggests, liberated Nabokov and energized his imagination.
  3. Vladimir Nabokov had a theory about this.
  4. Phoenix Nirvana Regeneration: Nabokov research in China
  5. So, this is Nabokov's beautiful evocation of how writer and reader meet at the summit of this misty mountain of the imagination.
  6. Nabokov cannot meet his reader on the misty mountain; because somebody has to agree to publish this book first; it has to exist in the world before that reader can meet it.
  7. In nabokov's opinion, if there was something transcendental in the world, and that would be literature.
  8. Nabokov When we moved on to Nabokov, we had an author trying to imagine a work of art so autonomous from the world that it could be something like an autonomous form of life.
  9. In Nabokov there is, but it's usually aesthetic: how things look, the look of a hotel, the look of a field, the look of a child, the look of a woman.
  10. A bald porcine old man ( Vladimir Nabokov)
  11. A Tentative Analysis of Nabokov's Anxiety about Expression in Lolita and Pale Fire
  12. The language that the Beats tried to imagine, tried to write, takes up some of these problems that we saw in Nabokov.
  13. And Nabokov says: The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social, economic and historical angle.
  14. Unlike Nabokov, these writers are not trying to make a language that is autonomous and separate from the world, so you will not see the kind of artifice and the labored attention to form.
  15. There is that physical comedy, and I'll suggest to you that in that sentence, the pushing and pulling, you're seeing part of Nabokov's verbal play.
  16. In this novel, Nabokov makes an effective enquiry into the psychological mechanism embedded in a totalitarian society.
  17. It is also the date of birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mej í a Vallejo.
  18. He "wanted to be new", in the way that Nabokov, C é line, Faulkner and Waugh were new;
  19. Remember, I argued that Lolita has a dead child, and she dies in childbirth, in a way, because it's a kind of creativity that Nabokov wants to cancel, or that Humbert wants to cancel.
  20. Intoxication and Soberness: A Study of Nabokov's Novels
  21. Nabokov's reflections of art that transcend "the exhaustion of literature"
  22. It's as if Nabokov allows us to see the mask of literature, to actually see it there palpably doing its work, so we can become self-aware of how we respond.
  23. This paper, based on Nabokov s life experience, examines the content of Nabokov s Diaspora consciousness and explores the importance of the multi-cultural perspective on Nabokov Study.
  24. This paper analyzes the stylistic features of the novel Lolita written by Russian American Vladimir Nabokov from lexical, syntactical and phonological levels.
  25. The true critic, Vladimir Nabokov once observed, reads not with his brain but with his backbone.
  26. I think that's one of the places where Nabokov is. It's Nabokov meditating on this problem.
  27. So Nabokov imbues that state of impersonality with certain kinds of emotion and then asks the reader to be as impersonal as that modernist artist also must be.
  28. So, now, here's just a list for you: eight features of literary modernism that are all important to Nabokov.
  29. But, Nabokov's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot, is not just this complicated attraction and dis-identification that he works on with Proust.
  30. Now I want to contrast that with what we see from Nabokov in this essay, Good Readers and Good Writers.