In the next two years, Nasser regularly collided with the different Western powers, who refused to arm him 随后的两年里,纳赛尔不断与拒绝为他提供武器装备的几个西方大国发生冲突。
And Chairman Bill Ford booted CEO JAC Nasser in October 2001 after months of public disputes. 而在2001年,福特公司经受了好几个月的公众质疑之后,董事长比尔•福特开除了CEO雅克•纳赛尔。
In that speech in Alexandria, though, Nasser chose to delve back even further into history, in a long digression on the building of the Suez canal a century earlier. 但是,在亚历山大港的那次演说,纳赛尔选择的是远远的向回探究历史,离题很远地谈到了早在一个世纪之前苏伊士运河的修建。
Jacques Nasser, Ford's boss, sends out "Let's chat" notes once a week. 福特公司的老板雅克•纳赛尔每周发一个“让我们聊天”的帖子。
In fact, Mr Nasser does most of the chatting. 实际上,多数情况都是纳赛尔先生在聊天。
For the ostensible winner, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Suez enabled him to fire up the region with pan-Arab nationalism. 对于明显的胜利者贾迈勒?阿卜杜勒?纳赛尔(GAMALABDELNASSER)来说,苏伊士运河危机让他能够在该地区点燃泛阿拉伯民族主义之火。
Nasser was astonished; this was the first time he had heard of any special fund. 纳赛尔大吃一惊,他从未听说过有什么特别基金。
It is doubtful that Nasser sought a military showdown. 纳赛尔不见得是要在军事上摊牌。
"Nasser Sadat: Decision Making Foreign Policy, 1970-1972" In choosing his course, Mr. Reagan was motivated instead by several other political and diplomatic considerations. 纳赛尔与萨达特:1970-1972年果断的决定和外交政策里根在决策时还有几种政治和外交上的考虑。
Diplomatic Policy of Egypt to the Middle East Arab Countries in Nasser Times 纳赛尔时代埃及对中东阿拉伯国家的外交政策
To this day I have not understood nasser's motives. 我至今也搞不明白,纳赛尔为什么要这样做。
"The Palestinian security systems have no superiority, in terms of armament over Hamas," said Mr. Nasser. 纳塞尔说:巴勒斯坦安全系统在武器装备上并不比哈马斯优越。
Mr Nasser and MS heinhorn are optimistic about their long-term prospects. 纳塞尔和海因霍尔恩对他们的长期前途表示乐观。
Mr Nasser was chosen from a shortlist of candidates selected over a period of 18 months with the help of Heidrick Struggles, the recruitment company. 纳赛尔是从一份入围候选人名单中挑选出来的。必和必拓在招聘公司海得思哲(HeidrickStruggles)的帮助下,花了18个月时间挑选出这些候选人。
He worked as a senior information official for both Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, Abdel Nasser's successor as president. 他作为一名高级新闻官都总统纳赛尔和萨达特,总统纳赛尔的继任为总统。
Feminism in Egypt: from Gamal Abdel Nasser to Gamel Mubarak 埃及女性主义:从纳赛尔到穆巴拉克
Mr Nasser concedes that the pace at Insead has been so intense that he has not had time for reflection but says he still would not opt for a two-year course. 纳塞尔承认,欧洲工商管理学院的节奏一直非常紧张,以至于他根本没有时间反思。但他表示,如果让他重选,他还是不会选择两年期课程。
With graduation now imminent, Mr Nasser is having to consider other career paths: Private equity is no longer an option, he says. 如今,在面临毕业之际,纳塞尔不得不考虑其它的职业道路。他说:私人股本已不再是一个选择。
Finally, the last three presidents of Egypt: Nasser, Anwar el-Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, they all had strong political demands of authoritarianism which imposed political legitimacy. 最后,纳赛尔特性,以及纳赛尔、萨达特和穆巴拉克三任总统,都具有强烈的威权主义政治诉求所强制构成的合法性。
His successor, Anwar Sadat, freed political prisoners, revived the economy and won a peace agreement with Israel that got back what Nasser had lost. 他的继任者安瓦尔萨达特(anwarsadat)释放了政治犯,恢复了经济,并与以色列签订了和平协议,赢回了纳赛尔曾失去的一切。
Moscow rolled out the red carpet for nasser. 苏联为纳萨尔铺出红地毯来。
The Nasser story is more a part of Middle Eastern than of African policy. 有关纳赛尔的事是中东政策的一部分,而不属于非洲政策范围。
Relations between Egypt under Nasser and the Arab League 试论纳赛尔埃及与阿拉伯联盟之间的关系
Typically, the architect of the strategy, Jacques Nasser, then departed and new management felt less shame in taking the loss and moving on. 这一战略的设计者杰克纳赛尔(jacquesnasser)其后离职,这是一种典型做法,让新管理层对于承担这些损失并继续前行不那么羞愧。
Mr Nasser should not squander it. 纳赛尔不应浪费这种优势。
Nasser backed the Arab insurgents, so the French were as eager as the British to see the back of him. 纳赛尔支持阿拉伯起义军,因此法国和英国一样,急切的想摆脱纳赛尔的影响。
Nasser, while emphasizing his independence of the superpowers and his leadership in the "Third World," still sought military and financial assistance from the United States. 纳赛尔在强调埃及的不依附超级大国的姿态以及在第三世界国家的领导地位的同时,仍然在寻求来自美国的军事以及经济资助。
In1948, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser met with her, Nasser no secret of his admiration for her, quickly let the entire Egyptian people fall in love with her. 1948年,埃及总统纳赛尔会见了她,纳赛尔毫不掩饰自己对她的敬仰,很快就让全埃及人民爱上了她。
True story: Last fall, rushing to a black-tie reception at the White House, Nasser, an Aussie, realized he hadn't packed his tuxedo. 真实故事:去年秋天,在参加白宫的一个要求宾客穿半正式礼服的招待会时,澳洲人纳塞尔发现他没有系好他的无尾半正式男士晚礼服。
It resisted the radical Pan-Arabism of Gamal Abdel Nasser when Nasserism was sweeping all before it, from Syria to Yemen. 当纳塞尔主义席卷阿拉伯世界,从叙利亚蔓延到也门时,它抵制住了贾迈勒阿卜杜勒纳赛尔(gamalabdelnasser)激进的泛阿拉伯主义。