You belong in that space, says Chiara Nath, who was married at her parents 'home in New Delhi this spring. 你属于这块空间。今年春天,她在新德里的父母家中成婚。
Kamal Nath, the Indian trade minister, rails against the iniquities of subsidies and tariffs in the rich countries. 印度贸易部长卡迈勒纳特(kamalnath)指责富裕国家的补贴和关税不公平。
But Kamal Nath, the Indian trade minister, told the financial times that Brussels was already seeking such provisions in negotiations with India. 但印度工商部长卡迈勒纳特(kamalnath)向英国《金融时报》表示,在与印度的谈判当中,欧盟委员会已经在寻求制定此类条款。
But the atmosphere turned difficult on Wednesday morning after the arrival of Kamal Nath, the Indian trade minister who had been in New Delhi helping his government survive a parliamentary confidence vote. 但周三上午,随着印度贸易部长迈勒•纳特(KamalNath)的到来,气氛变得紧张起来。他之前刚刚在新德里帮助政府赢得了议会信任投票。
Nath said there was initially great resistance to the idea of such a small occasion from her parents. 纳特表示,一开始时,自己的父母竭力反对这种简单的操办方式。
Mr Nath said that talks should resume between officials on the details of which farm products the poorer countries would be allowed to exempt from big tariffs cuts, another significant point of disagreement in the talks last year. 纳特说,官员之间应恢复谈判,讨论贫穷国家哪些农产品可免于巨额关税减让的细节问题。这是去年谈判中的另一个重大分歧。
For his flattering portraits, giving Pol Pot a fresh-faced girl's rosy cheeks, Mr Vann Nath's name in the prison ledger was tagged "Keep for use". 因为自己那幅曲意逢迎,赋予波尔布特少女般玫瑰面庞的画作,凡纳的名字在监狱名单上被归类为“留着用”。
In a letter to Susan Schwab, US trade representative, seen by the FT, Mr Nath said that the approach, which was not made through the office of the US trade representative, was surprising and unwelcome. 在写给美国贸易代表苏珊施瓦布(susanschwab)的一封信中(英国《金融时报》看到了此信),纳特表示,这种没有经过美国贸易代表办公室的做法是令人吃惊和不受欢迎的。
The fleeing warders of S-21 left behind troves of documents outlining the prison's work, but it was Mr Vann Nath, painting his memories in sombre oils, who showed most vividly what had happened there. 仓皇逃窜的S-21狱卒留下的文件书写了监狱运作的大体轮廓,然而正是凡纳用昏暗,严肃的颜料描绘出的个人记忆,才活生生的展示了那里曾经发生的过往。
Mr Nath said he was optimistic about the prospects for Doha but said that the countries of the developed world must sort out their differences first. 纳特表示他对多哈谈判前景乐观,但他说,发达国家需要首先找出它们之间的分歧。
The US needed to scale back its farm subsidies radically to prevent distortions in world trade, said Kamal Nath, one of the Group of Four core negotiating partners in the so-called Doha round of trade talks. 纳特是所谓多哈回合贸易谈判中四国集团(GroupofFour)核心谈判伙伴之一。他对本报表示,美国需要大幅削减农业补贴,以防止世界贸易扭曲。
I wanted it simple, said Nath. 纳特表示:我想办得简单一些。
Mr Vann Nath, who suffered years of kidney disease, struggled to afford even basic care. 而凡纳饱受多年的肾病折磨,却要努力维持甚至基本的护理。
Mr Bedi thought I was crazy, admitted Nath, explaining he thought the palette was too cold and drab, especially as white is the colour of funerals in India. 她后来承认:贝迪先生觉得我疯了。她解释道:贝迪认为整体的色调偏冷,并且过于单调。特别是白色,印度人一般只会在葬礼上使用这种颜色。
Kamal Nath, the Indian commerce minister, was, meanwhile, portrayed as the villain of the piece. 与此同时,印度工商部长卡迈勒纳特(kamalnath)也被描述成了“祸根”。
She was told she would offend a lot of people by restricting the guest list but Nath, a designer who lives in the coastal state of Goa, insisted on a pared-down event. 他们告诉纳特:如果客人请少了,会得罪一大批人的。但纳特是一位生活在滨海地区果阿邦(Goa)的设计师,她坚持要简化婚庆活动。
Banging the drum for India as an investment destination in London this week, Mr Singh and his commerce minister, Kamal nath, were able to point to the SEZs as evidence of india's new openness. 本周,在伦敦为印度成为投资目的地大加宣传时,总理辛格和他的商务部长卡马尔?纳斯就表明,经济特区是印度新开放政策的证据。
Mr Nath was speaking ahead of a meeting of about 30 trade ministers at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Saturday, who will discuss restarting the talks that were suspended indefinitely in July last year. 本周六,全球大约30名贸易部长将在达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上召开会议,讨论重启在去年7月无限期暂停的多哈回合谈判。
The roads are in a mess, Mr Nath told the Financial Times in an interview. 我们的道路一团糟,纳特在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示。
To us it looks one-sided and inequitable and these things, in the end, can get into a mess, Mr Nath said. 纳特认为:对于我们来,这是一边倒、不公平的。这些东西到头来会弄得一团糟。
Theory of Four wave Mixing in a Absorbing Medium in the Raman Nath Condition Raman&Nath条件下吸收介质中的四波混频理论
Steady State Behaviour and Modulation Response of a Raman Nath Acousto Optic Bistable System Raman-Nath型声光双稳系统的稳态特性与小讯号调制响应
A universal and convenient matrix series method to solve the Raman Nath equation of normal ultrasonic light diffraction is presented. 提出一种求解正常声光相互作用拉曼内斯(RamanNath)方程的矩阵级数解法,该解法直观方便且具有普遍性。