Topped with red tomato, white mozzarella and green basil, The Margherita, one of the pillars in the Neapolitan pizza family, was designed to bring to mind the colors of the Italian national flag. 那不勒斯披萨家族的当家之作&玛格丽特披萨,以红番茄、白干酪、和绿色的罗勒为馅料。这种馅料的颜色搭配旨在让人联想到意大利国旗。
Additionally, pizza makers should include natural Neapolitan yeast and extra virgin olive oil in the dough preparation process. 此外,披萨饼师傅还需要天然的那不勒斯酵母与特级初榨橄榄油来发面和面。
Hand-crafted art As chefs the world over focus on artisanal cooking, the culinary skills behind the Neapolitan pizza have gained even greater value and distinction. 由于世界各地的厨师十分关注手工艺烹饪,那不勒斯披萨的烹饪技巧因此更具价值,也备受赞誉。
But he is Neapolitan, no question about it, because before I left Rome he gave me the name of a pizzeria in Naples that I had to try, because, Giovanni informed me, it sold the best pizza in Naples. 但他确实是那不勒斯人,因为在我离开罗马前,他给了我那不勒斯一家比萨饼店的名字,要我非去尝尝不可。乔凡尼告知我,因为这家店卖的比萨饼在那不勒斯无出其右。
Drawn up by the Agriculture Ministry and professional Neapolitan pizza-makers, the guidelines were printed in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, a publication normally reserved for financial and legal notices. 这个指导方针由意大利农业部和职业的那不勒斯匹萨饼师共同起草,刊登在《政府公报》上,《政府公报》通常只刊登金融和法律通告。
You will always enjoy a fresh, authentic, Neapolitan pizza from Spango. 斯巴达将一如既往地为大家提供新鲜、美味的那不勒斯比萨。
"Are they Spanish, Haitian, or Neapolitan bonds?" Neapolitan Kingdom was not overthrown; it collapsed. 那是西班牙支票、海地支票或那不勒斯支票吗?那不勒斯王国并不是被推翻的;它是自行崩溃的。
"Are they spanish, haitian, or Neapolitan bonds?" “那是西班牙支票、海地支票或那不勒斯支票吗?”
The Neapolitan fans had with Diego a relationship based on affection and love, honoring him as a God. 他赢得了那不勒斯队球迷们的爱戴,称他为足球之神。
The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds, decorated with icing sugar. 以冰糖粉作点缀,传统的那不勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。
He was a Neapolitan, and of accomplished scholarship, both Latin and Greek. 他是那不勒斯人,一个很有成就的学者,拉丁语和希腊文都行。
Asked about her reaction to her father's attentions to a teenage Neapolitan would-be model, Barbara Berlusconi said she was shocked. 被记者问道父亲与将来的模特有暧昧是什么反应时,芭芭拉说她非常震惊。
Boccaccio was also inspired by a deep love for the beautiful wife of a Neapolitan citizen. 薄伽丘也被对那不勒斯一位公民的美丽妻子的深深爱情激发了灵感。
A true Neapolitan pizza must be cooked in a wood-fired oven and the final product must be soft, elastic and easy to fold in two, the guidelines say. 根据这个指导方针,一块真正的那不勒斯匹萨饼必须用木炭烤箱烘烤,制成品必须松软,有弹性,而且很容易折成两半。
Italy has drawn up a series of rules that must be met for a Neapolitan pizza to be worthy of the name. 意大利起草了一系列规定,只有符合这些规定的匹萨饼才有资格用那不勒斯匹萨这个名字。
Maradona lifted the Neapolitan team and the fans turned out. 马拉多纳提高了那不勒斯队的地位,球迷们也出动了。