Certainly we have clamped down on that and the image of Newquay now has certainly curtailed some of that. ' 我们当然控制了这个苗头,而纽基现在的形象已有所好转。
James was about to crack the freaky egg to make a fry-up for guests at The Hotel Bristol in Newquay, Cornwall when when he noticed it wasn't oval as he would have expected. 事情经过是这样的:詹姆斯正要打破蛋壳给位于英国纽基的比里斯托尔酒店的客人们做煎蛋,结果发现这枚蛋并不是他常见的椭圆形状。
"They are huge predatory frogs that sit and wait for animals to pass by," said Dan Garrick, senior tropical house keeper at Newquay Zoo. “这些巨大的食肉蛙成天静待动物们路过,”英国纽基动物园热带园区高级饲养员丹-加里克说道。