The structure of the locally optimum rank detector ( LORD) is derived and found to be in the form of incorporating a ranker and a locally optimum rank zero-memory nonlinearity ( LORZNL) into the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise. 导出局部最佳秩检测器(LORD)的结构,发现其形式为在窄带高斯噪声中的N-P最佳检测器中引入求秩器和局部最佳秩零记忆非线性(LORZNL)。
We further propose weighted method, and apply it to Bayes-and Neyman-Pearson-based identity verification system, and get a more higher verification result. 并提出了加权思想,将其用于Bayes理论和Neyman-Pearson准则的身份识别融合系统,得到了较好的鉴别效果。
Then rate distortion theory is obtained by using Neyman-Pearson theorem. 然后应用Neyman-Pearson定理得到率失真定理。
The structures of local-opti-mum ( LO) detector are developed and found to be in the form of incorporating a local-optimum zero-memory nonlinearity ( LOZNL) into the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise. 导出了局部最佳(LO)检测器结构,它具有在窄带高斯噪声中的尼曼-皮尔逊(Neyman-Pearson)最佳检测器里引入局部最佳零记忆非线性(LOZNL)的形式。
Under the Neyman-Pearson criterion, the decision rule was optimized by minimizing the probability of missing the watermark for a given false detection rate. 依据Neyman-Pearson准则,在给定虚警率的情况下对判决准则进行了优化。
The multi-sensor data fusion plays a valuable role in the underwater acoustic signal processing. In this paper, a multi-sensor distributed detection data fusion system based on Neyman-Pearson criterion is presented. 多基阵数据融合技术在水声信号处理中具有重要意义,本文给出了基于NeymanPearson准则的多传感器分布式水声检测信息融合系统。
Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Modulus Maxima and Neyman-Pearson Principle Threshold 基于小波模极大值和Neyman-Pearson准则阈值的图像去噪
A Robust M-Detector is proposed in terms of the modified Neyman-Pearson criterion. 本文根据修正的奈曼-皮尔逊准则,提出了一种Robust-M检测器。
By Neyman-Pearson rule, simulation of signal detection when frequency is unknown but frequency range is known was carried out. 对已知频带内未知频率信号的检测性能进行了仿真。
In this paper, a Neyman-Pearson overall forecast method is developed to improve the forecast rate on the promise of keeping a given false warning rate. 给出了Neyman-Pearson全局预报方法,以期在保持-给定虚警率的前提下提高预报率。
In order to improve the performance of weak target detection, a new algorithm is proposed for the weak target detection based on wavelet and Neyman-Pearson criterion. 为提高噪声背景下弱目标的检测能力,基于小波去噪的原理及Neyman-Pearson准则确定小波阈值,提出了一种弱目标检测方法。
It is shown that, in the sense of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency ( ARE), the asymptotic performance of many detectors whose nonlinearity can more effectively suppress the tail of the noise envelope distribution is apparently better than that of the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise. 说明在皮特曼(Pitman)的渐近相对效率(ARE)意义上,许多具有能更多抑制噪声包络分布尾部的非线性的检测器,其渐近性能明显优于窄带高斯噪声中的尼曼-皮尔逊最佳检测器。
Optimum Detection Fusion Algorithm for Distributed and Quantized Neyman-Pearson Detection Systems 基于NEYMAN-PEARSON准则的最优分布式量化检测融合算法
Wavelet Threshold Denoising Method Based on Neyman& Pearson Criterion 基于Neyman-Pearson准则的小波阈值去噪法
K and defined the concept of weighed and most powerful test, offered weighed and most powerful test statistics and therefore obtained a generalized form of Neyman Pearson theorem. 定义了加权最优检验的概念,给出了该检验问题的加权最优检验统计量。从而得到了Neyman-Pearson定理的一种推广形式。
An optimal retrieval rule is derived by using the Neyman-Pearson decision rule. A BI probabilistic model and the optimal query to be used in this model are presented. 根据Neyman-Pearson决策规则导出了最优检索规则,并据此提出了BI概率模型和相应的最优查询。
Distribution characteristics of target and background can be expressed by statistical histogram and Neyman-Pearson criterion ( CFAR law) is utilized to optimize the threshold. 本文采用统计直方图表示目标背景的分布特性,再利用Neyman-Pearson准则(CFAR法)优化计算分割门限。
Fusion problem, this dissertation mainly discussed the multi-sensor Neyman-Pearson type sequential decision with correlated sensor observations, and achieved the optimal sensor rule under given fusion rule. 在多传感器决策融合问题中,研究了相关观测噪音情况下多传感器Neyman-Pearson型序贯判决;得出了固定融合率下的最优传感器压缩率。
A New Method for Noise Reduction With Wavelet Transform Based on the Neyman-Pearson Rule in Different Scales 一种基于不同尺度Neyman-Pearson准则的小波去噪新方法
Then the image denoising threshold is determined according to the noise distribution and Neyman-Pearson principle, the initial estimated wavelet coefficients are determined by the threshold, and the expected wavelet coefficients are got by the estimated coefficients. 在此基础上,给出了图像降噪阈值的确定方法,然后将上述阈值用于初始小波系数的确定,用得到的估计小波系数来确定理想图像的小波系数。
This paper considers the optimization of system performance for distributed and quantized Neyman Pearson detection systems. 研究分布式NEYMAN-PEARSON量化检测融合系统的性能优化问题。
Parametric generalized lambda distribution is utilized to fit the statistical characteristic of detector when only noise exists, which is then used by Neyman-Pearson rule to determine decision threshold at given false alarm probability. Finally, computer simulations achieve detection performance of the obtained frame detector. 文中用广义Lambda分布描述帧检测器在无信号时的统计特性,并根据Neyman-Pearson准则给出一定虚警概率下的判决阈值,最后通过计算机仿真得到帧检测性能。
Neyman-Pearson Decision Criterion and Its Application in Forecasting Marine Storm Surge Neyman-Pearson决策准则及在海洋风暴潮预报中的应用
And, We set up models of multivariate Neyman-Pearson decision and generalized the theory and algorithm of dualistic Neyman-Pearson decision to multivariate. 其次,本文提出了多元Neyman-Pearson检测的模型,并将二元检测的理论与算法推广到了多元。
The primary contents are as following: 1 、 A new image denoising method based on the wavelet coefficient modulus maxima and Neyman-Pearson principle threshold is presented, which overcomes the dilemma of image denoising and edge preserving. 本文的主要研究内容为:1、提出了小波系数模极大值和Neyman-Pearson准则阈值的图像降噪方法,在一定程度上解决了图像降噪和保留图像高频边缘信息这个两难问题。
It was developed from the new result of centralized Neyman-Pearson type sequential decision. 它是固定融合率下,新型中心式Neyman-Pearson型序贯判决结果的扩展。
The method eliminates the self-signal in the received signal through the linear weighting of the adjacent reception symbol by using the AR model of wireless fading channel. Based on the Neyman-Pearson criterion an optimum detector for spectrum sensing of the residual signal is presented. 该方法利用无线衰落信道AR模型,对相邻接收符号进行线性加权,从而消除接收信号中的自信号,同时给出了奈曼-皮尔逊准则下最优检测器。
Then, under the assumptions of weak watermarking signal and the proposed PDF model, we develop a nonlinear sign detector to detect the digital watermarking signal in text images by the Neyman-Pearson theorem. 其次,在弱水印信号和分叉噪声概率密度模型的假设下,本文依据Neyman-Pearson定理得出一种非线性符号检测器来检测文本图像水印。