Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity 据说诺尔玛不喜欢被人过多关注。
Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory. 诺尔玛·琼斯在当地一家化工厂当打包工。
Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping. 诺尔玛拿起扫帚开始扫了起来。
Gordon and Norma's children say they're glad the couple passed this way. 夫妻俩的孩子们说,他们很高兴父母以这样的方式离世。
Norma passed at 4:38 pm, exactly one hour later. 诺尔玛于当天下午四点三十八分去世,刚好比她的丈夫晚了一个小时。
What you wear at work speaks volumes, said Norma Gaffin, director of content at Monster, based in Maynard, Massachusetts. 位于马萨诸塞州梅纳德的Monster网站的内容总监诺玛·加芬说,上班时的穿着很重要。
That is the offspring of Memphis and Norma jean. 那是诺玛珍和孟菲斯的孩子。
Poor Norma is way down. I think she has something wrong with her. 可怜的诺玛十分消沉,我想她准出了什么事吧。
Marilyn continued to change the way she had looked as Norma Jean. 玛丽莲继续改变自己,使她不像过去那个诺玛·琼。
In those days she was plain Norma Jean mortenson. 那时她只是个普普通通的诺玛吉恩莫顿森。
Two hours later, she gave birth to a little girl-Norma Jeane Mortenson. 两个小时后她生下了一个小女孩,诺玛-琼-莫泰森。
Norma looked at the parcel and whistled softly through her teeth. 诺尔玛看着包裹,轻柔地哼起了口哨。
Norma Jean was born that day in the West Coast city of Los Angeles, California. 诺玛·琼这一天出生于加州的西海岸城市洛杉矶。
Norma Jeane lived in the home of Albert and Ida Bolender for the first 7 years of her life. 诺玛-琼在其最早的七年中一直生活在阿尔博特和伊达-博兰特夫妇家里。
Lynne has dedicated the novel to her friend norma. 林恩题词将这部小说献给她的朋友诺玛。
His family goes back to the time of the Norma Conquest of Britain. 他的家族可追溯到诺尔曼人征服英国的时代。
I today pray to God asking him to help ease the possible physical pain that Norma might have. I will ask more for God's help for Norma on my own behalf. 今天我向上天祈求了,希望他能给予Norma帮助,释缓她可能会有的那些身体上的痛苦,我仍会从我自己的内心,向上天祈求给予Norma更多帮助。
Norma gets out of her car, hauling a bag of groceries with her. 诺玛从汽车里出来,拎着一包食品等杂物。
Norma is downstream a little on the bank, vigorously scrubbing his soiled clothes. 诺玛在下游不远的岸边上,使劲搓洗他的脏衣服。
Will Norma Redding please report to the airport information desk. 请诺玛雷丁到机场服务台签到。
Norma, what I've from you has been sumptuous. 诺玛,我从你那儿已经得到了很多很多了。
Norma Jeane had two options: return to the orphanage or get married. 此时摆在诺玛前的只有两条路:要么回孤儿院,要么结婚。
Can aunt Norma take you? 诺玛阿姨可以陪你吗?
Her real name was Norma Jean Baker but she did not like to mention it. 她的真名是诺玛吉恩贝克,但她不喜欢提到它。
There the young Norma Jean escaped into the make-believe world of movies. 在那里,年幼的诺玛·琼可以暂时逃循到电影的幻想世界中去。
I like Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side. 我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。
I'm furious with norma! She's always late. 我对诺玛太生气了。她总迟到。
You spent an entire day with them. norma, what do you think? 你们与他们接触了一整天,诺玛,你怎样想的?
It looks like you strayed off the reservation, norma. 看来你像又在到处乱跑,诺玛。
Now that we had done what the Lord asked us to do in Rome, we traveled to Israel and were hosted by Martin and Norma Sarvis. 现在,我们已完成上帝要我们在罗马所作的事,我们便前往以色列,并接受Martin与NormaSarvis的接待。