Northcote College of Education [ merged with 2 other former colleges of education and the Institute of Language in Education to form the Hong Kong Institute of Education] 罗富国教育学院〔与另外两所旧教育学院和语文教育学院合并为香港教育学院〕
C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that the number of subordinates in an organization will increase linearly regardless of the amount of work to be done. C.N.帕金森冷嘲热讽:不管某组织中工作量增减与否,其下级的人数呈线性增长。
C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that work will expand so as to fill the time available for its completion. 帕金森的讽刺性见解:为了填满完成时间,工作将随之变大。