Kayak, an online travel listings site based in Norwalk, Conn., had planned to kick off its roadshow to hype its public offering to large investors around memorial day, according to someone familiar with the situation. 据一位了解状况的人士称,Kayak原计划在五月底美国阵亡将士纪念日(MemorialDay)前后启动面向大型投资者的路演。
Carol: Where in Norwalk is that? 卡罗:那是在诺沃克的什么地方?
Objective To investigate, treat and analyze of population viral gastroenteritis incident caused by Norwalk like virus. 目的对一起诺瓦克样病毒引起的群体性胃肠炎进行调查和分析。
The gene variant associated with the highest B12 levels has previously been determined to protect the stomach from infection by the Norwalk virus and ulcer-causing H.pylori bacterium. 先前发现与B12最高水平相关的基因变异可以保护胃免受诺沃克病毒的感染,和幽门螺旋杆菌引起的溃疡。
Clinical observation and nursing care of patients with sporadic Norwalk viral gastroenteritis 散发性诺如病毒性胃肠炎临床观察及护理
Then he went on to have his own clinics in Norwalk California. 之后,他前往加利福尼亚州的诺沃克开设了自己的诊所。
Although food is an efficient means of transmitting these agents, Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses can be transmitted via water and by person-to-person contact. 诺瓦克和诺沃克类病毒可经水传播和人与人之间的接触传播,食品也是一个传播方式。
Epidemiological investigation and analysis of an outbreak of norwalk virus diarrhea 深圳市一起诺瓦克病毒感染性腹泻暴发的流行病学调查分析
Transmission of Norwalk virus is through the fecal-oral cycle. 诺瓦克病毒的传染是通过粪口循环。
This article introduces the pathogeny, epidemiology, clinical, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Norwalk Virus briefly. 为此,就诺沃克病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床表现、诊断治疗和预防等方面做一综述。
Objective To know the epidemiological characteristic of infectious diarrhea caused by Norwalk virus in order to provide basis for its prevention and cure. 目的了解诺瓦克病毒性腹泻流行特征,为制定防治对策提供依据。
Objective To study on evaluation of the smecta in infants with diarrhea for Norwalk like virus ( NLV) in infection. 目的评价思密达治疗婴幼儿诺瓦克样病毒(NLV)腹泻的效果。
Survey on an incidence of collective acute gastroenteritis caused by Norwalk virus in Guangzhou 广州市一起群体性诺沃克病毒性胃肠炎调查分析
Norwalk virus antigen was detected by RT-PCR. 采用RT-PCR检测诺瓦克病毒抗原。
Objective To investigate the infection status of norwalk virus in school canteen workers in Meixian and provide the scientific basis for norwalk virus gastroenteritis control and prevention. 目的了解梅县学校食堂厨工诺瓦克病毒感染情况,为诺瓦克病毒胃肠炎预防控制工作提供科学依据。
Objective This study was conducted to analyze the epidemiological features of an outbreak of norwalk virus diarrhea in a district of Shenzhen municipality to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of norwalk virus diarrhea. 目的分析深圳市某区一起诺瓦克病毒感染性腹泻暴发的流行病学特征,为防制诺瓦克病毒感染性腹泻提供科学依据。
Conclusion Healthy norwalk virus carriers were present in school canteen workers in Meixian and could be the hidden risk of norwalk virus gastroenteritis outbreak. 结论梅县学校食堂厨工存在诺瓦克病毒健康携带者,学校有爆发诺瓦克病毒胃肠炎的潜在危险。
Detection of norwalk-like virus in outbreaks of gastroenteritis 暴发性胃肠炎中诺沃克样病毒的检测
The Present Epidemic Status and Preventive Measure of Norwalk Virus 诺沃克病毒流行现状及预防措施
Norwalk viruses ( NVs) cause outbreaks of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis and spread frequently through contaminated foods or water. 诺沃克类病毒是引起急性非细菌性胃肠炎暴发的病原之一,常通过污染的食物和水而传播。
Detection of Norwalk-like viruses in oysters by RT-PCR and gene sequence anal-ysis of RNA polymerase fragments 太平洋牡蛎中诺瓦克样病毒的RT-PCR法检测和病毒聚合酶区部分序列的分析
Survey on the Infection Status of Norwalk Virus in School Canteen Workers in Meixian 梅县学校食堂厨工诺瓦克病毒感染情况调查
Identification of serum antibodies against Norwalk group viruses in Beijing population 北京地区人群诺瓦克样病毒血清抗体水平调查
Result Norwalk virus were detected in 8 out of 234 stool samples, with a positive rate of 3.42%. 结果234份粪便标本中检出诺瓦克病毒阳性8份,阳性率为3.42%。
10 fecal samples were collected and it was found in lab studies that norwalk virus antigen was positive in all the samples. 采集10个病例大便样本,实验室检测诺瓦克病毒抗原全部阳性。