Temperatures on Saturday 12 July were as hot as 37C-or 99F-in Siberia's largest city, Novosibirsk, the day the hail cloudburst struck. 7月12日,上周六,西伯利亚最大的城市新西伯利亚的温度高达37摄氏度(99华氏摄氏度),然而一场大冰雹却突袭而至。
The beach is close to the centre of Novosibirsk and is a popular summer recreation spot for locals. 此处沙滩靠近新西伯利亚中心,是一处十分受当地人欢迎的夏日度假胜地。
The plane had been heading from Tel Aviv, Israel to Novosibirsk. 该架飞机从以色列特拉维夫飞往新西伯利亚。
After my graduation from the aerospace lyceum in1993i entered in Novosibirsk state technical university, automation and computer engineering. 1993年从宇航学院毕业之后,我进入了新西伯利亚州的科技大学学习,主修自动化和计算机工程专业。
In Novosibirsk, the capital of Siberia where Stepanova lives, almost one in three TB infections is fatal. 在斯特帕诺瓦居住的西伯利亚州府新西伯利亚,几乎三分之一的结核病感染者会死亡。
They lives in the northeast part of the China and the Russian Novosibirsk in the summer time. 它们暑季生活在中国东北和俄罗斯西伯利亚。
Earlier, a limit of ambitions for a young mathematician from the CIS and the former Soviet Union was to participate in the All-Union Olympiad in Moscow or Novosibirsk. 早些年,独联体和前苏联的青年数学选手仅限于参加在莫斯科或新西伯利亚举行的全苏数学奥林匹克。
I have long heard about the Science City of Novosibirsk. 久闻新西伯利亚有座科学城。
This stack is the highest construction in Novosibirsk. 这是新西伯利亚最高的建筑群。
The Science City of Novosibirsk is a scientific base known for its research strength. 新西伯利亚科学城,是一个著名的实力雄厚的科学基地。
A Probe into the Teaching and Studying of the University of Queensland Australia Novosibirsk State University 澳大利亚昆士兰大学教学情况初探
According to the ratings of best Russian universities, Novosibirsk State University takes the third place. 新西伯利亚国立大学是在俄罗斯排名第三的大学。