Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee. 萨姆·纳恩参议员主导着参议院军事委员会。
Nunn is regarded as one of the top theatrical directors of recent times. 纳恩是公认近年来顶尖的舞台剧导演之一。
And they are all male. The college has admitted no women as regular students since it was founded in 1917, in accordance with a trust established by Lucien Nunn, the tycoon who founded it as a place for promising young men. 这所学校由LucienNunn于1917年出资创立,这位大亨要为有潜力的年轻男性提供学习机会。自创立以来该校只收男生,从没有女生被录取。
Former Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia, Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana both join Barack Obama today at Purdue University to talk about national security issues. 前乔治亚州议员SamNunn和印第安那州议员EvanBayh今天都和巴拉克·奥巴马一起在普度大学就国家安全问题进行了讨论。
Eating too little fruit and vegetables are also partly to blame for the growth of the HPV virus, which also causes cervical cancer, Nunn said. 纳恩指出,生果和蔬菜吃得太少,也是人类乳突病毒(HPVvirus)传染增进的部分缘故起因,而这种病毒也会导致子宫颈癌。
Council leader William Nunn said the policy formalized an agreement made in consultation with staff. 议长威廉•纳恩称,该政策是与工作人员协商后达成的。
Professor Charles Moskos of Northwestern University developed the policy's framework, and Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia brokered the compromise. 西北大学的查尔斯。莫斯科斯教授构建了该政策的框架,佐治亚州参议员萨姆。努恩进行斡旋。
He did it because of what happened to nunn. 他是为了纳恩的事才那样做的。
Now, Nunn is working for the French government to compile tales that might pinpoint Pacific islands where scientists should look for warnings of earthquakes, volcanoes and catastrophic landslides. 现在,那恩正与法国政府合作来汇编能够精准定位那些让科学家寻找地震、火山和大灾难山崩的太平洋岛屿的神话。
A man like chow Nunn isn't worth protecting with the law. 像周能这样的人是不值得法律来保护他的。