Try telling that to the New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX), the world's largest commodities exchange. 这个世界上最大的商品交易所却反其道而行。
On November1st the NYMEX opened an open-outcry pit in Dublin to handle Brent crude futures, the benchmark contract for pricing two-thirds of the world's oil. 11月1日,纽约商品交易所在都柏林的期货交易所开张,并以公开叫价的方式交易作为世界三分之二原油的定价基准的布伦特原油期货。
Given the importance of liquidity in exchanges, why do the IPE and the NYMEX not band together? 考虑到交易中资金折现力的重要性,为什么伦敦国际原油交易所和纽约商品交易所不联合起来呢?
Metals can now be traded on the LME after London closes, on the Shanghai Futures Exchange during its night trading and on the Nymex after the close of the US day. 如今伦敦金属交易所在伦敦市场收市之后、上海期货交易所在夜间以及纽约商品交易所(Nymex)在美国日间交易结束后都可以从事金属期货交易。
However, Bob Levin, managing director of market research at NYMEX said that the WTI contract was performing "transparently", reflecting a "loss in oil demand and sharply rising inventories". 然而,纽约期货交易所市场研究部主任鲍伯列文(boblevin)说,西德克萨斯中质原油的订货表现“透明”,反映了“原油需求下降和库存急剧上升”。
The move is a setback for the benchmark that since the launch of the Nymex WTI futures in the early 1980s has dominated physical and financial oil markets. 纽约期货交易所1980年代初推出西德克萨斯中质原油期货以来,该品种作为油价基准一直主导原油的实物和金融市场。最近的趋势对该交易品种是一个打击。
However, Mr Sprecher says he does not see the need for consolidation between ICE and Nymex, as both were able to expand their own businesses in both revenue and earnings. 但斯普雷彻表示,他并不认为洲际交易所与纽约商交所之间有整合的需要,因为这两家交易所都能够在收入和利润方面拓展自己的业务。
The forward curve for Nymex crude prices currently slopes upward-known as a'contango '-and is extraordinarily steep. 纽约商交所原油期货价格曲线目前向上显著倾斜,行内称为“升水”。
In1978, nymexpresented the first successful oil futures contract in the world, i.e., New York heatingoil futures contract. 1978年,纽约商品交易所(nymex)推出了世界上第一个成功的石油期货合约&纽约取暖油期货合约。
Before both exchanges were listed, ICE and Nymex had been in several merger discussions, which came to no avail. 洲际交易所和纽约商交所上市之前,曾进行过几次有关合并的谈判,均不了了之。
During the day on Wednesday, a barrel of crude oil was trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX) at just a few cents above its opening price. COMEX Clearing Association [ New York] 在星期二那天,纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)的每桶原油价格只比开盘价抬高了几个美分。商品交易所结算协会〔纽约〕
Nymex July West Texas Intermediate, the US crudeoil benchmark, flirted with came close to last Friday's seven-month high of$ 70.32, by gaining$ 1.92 to$ 70.01 a barrel. 美国原油价格基准,7月交货的西德克萨斯中质原油(WTI)价格波动,接近上周五的70.32美元的7个月高点,收于每桶70.01美元,每桶上涨了1.92美元。
The collapse of the parabolic trend on the NYMEX ( New York Mercantile Exchange) Crude Oil weekly chart pushed prices down to the support band near$ 110 to$ 113. 纽约商品交易所原油周线图表上的抛物线型趋势的崩溃将价格推向了110美元至113美元的支撑带。
Less than a year after the CME agreed to acquire the Chicago Board of Trade, the world's largest futures exchange said it had agreed to a 30-day exclusive negotiating period with Nymex. 芝加哥商品交易所表示,已同意与纽约商交所进行为期30天的独家谈判。不到一年前,这家全球最大的期货交易所同意收购了芝加哥期货交易所(ChicagoBoardofTrade)。
Trading rose and prices jumped$ 2 a barrel without apparent justification, said one senior oil trader at the Nymex commodity futures exchange. 没有明显的理由,交易量就上升了,每桶价格上涨了2美元,纽约商品交易所(Nymex)的一名资深石油交易员说。
It has also overtaken the online trading volumes in WTI by Mr Sprecher's rival Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE), which launched its electronic-only WTI contract in February, a move that forced Nymex into its alliance with the CME. 它还超过其竞争对手洲际交易所的WTI在线成交量。洲际交易所于2月份启动仅使用电子交易系统的WTI期货合约,此举迫使纽约商交所与芝加哥商品交易所结盟。
Nymex's share price more than doubled on its first day of trading, showing that the appetite for exchange stocks has not diminished. 首日上市交易,纽约商交所股价就上涨一倍多,反映出投资者对交易所类股票的兴趣并未减弱。
The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London, in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York. 位于美国的洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)决定,将开始在伦敦从事原油期货交易,与纽约商品交易所展开直接竞争,并击败对手,这一决定可以说也面临同样的难题。
Crude oil began futures trading on the NYMEX in1983 and is the most heavily traded commodity. 原油从1983年开始在纽约商品交易所里交易期货合约,是交易最频繁的商品。
The current oil shock, with NYMEX crude touching$ 142, has as much to do with bad luck as geology. 随着纽约商交所(nymex)的原油期货价格达到每桶142美元,当前的石油危机与坏运气和地质学两者同样相关。
As far as copper futures price is concerned, there are three major trading places: the London Metal Exchange ( LME), the Commodity Exchange Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange ( COMEX/ NYMEX) and the Shanghai Futures Exchange ( SHFE). 就铜的期货价格而言,有三个重要的交易场所:伦敦金属交易所(LME),纽约商品交易所的商品交易部(COMEX/NYMEX),和上海期货交易所(SHFE)。
And the futures price of CAPP coal and spot price made an empirical analysis, the results showed that the American nymex futures price of CAPP and spot price exists between the long-term stability of co-integration relationship. 并对CAPP煤炭期货价格和现货价格作了一个实证分析,结果表明美国纽约商业期货交易所的CAPP期货价格和现货价格之间确实存在长期稳定的协整关系。