Instead, the bottleneck was the disk I/ O. 相反,磁盘I/O成为了瓶颈。
When you mount the file system with this command, all its files use concurrent I/ O. 当您使用这个命令装入文件系统时,其中所有的文件都使用并发I/O。
This lack of efficiency is the result of the multiple user-kernel transitions required per I/ O. 这种效率上的缺点是每个I/O都要求多个用户内核转换的结果。
The LVM uses a construct named pbuf to control a pending disk I/ O. LVM使用一个称为pbuf的组成部件来控制挂起的磁盘I/O。
Also check the lib directory for fuse. o, mount. o, and helper. o. 还要查看lib目录中的fuse.o、mount.o和helper.o。
Disk Watcher data can be useful for analyzing and optimizing application I/ O. DiskWatcher数据对于分析和优化应用程序I/O会很有用。
A common performance challenge is the need to wait for I/ O. 一个常见的性能难题是需要等待I/O。
They spend tremendous amounts of time and money designing and optimizing applications for efficient I/ O. 为了取得高效的I/O,他们花费大量的时间和金钱来设计和优化应用程序。
The network layer displays times spent waiting on network I/ O. 网络层显示了花费在等待网络I/O上的时间。
The traditional limiting factors for scalability are access to CPU, memory, and I/ O. 可伸缩性的传统制约因素是对CPU、内存和I/O的访问。
You can run this command in the current editor by using Ctrl+ Shift+ O. 您可以通过使用Ctrl+Shift+O组合键在当前编辑器中运行这条命令。
The prefetching activity can be validated by the amount of asynchronous versus synchronous read I/ O. 预取活动可以通过异步和同步的读I/O来确认。
ON-Bar now performs a backup and the restore of a whole system using parallel I/ O. ON-Bar使用并行I/O执行整个系统的备份和恢复。
Shared Ethernet and virtual SCSI are the solutions that allow for sharing network and disk I/ O. 共享以太网和虚拟SCSI允许共享网络和磁盘I/O。
LDOM support for dynamically reconfigurable disk and network I/ O. LDOM支持,可以动态地重新配置磁盘和网络I/O。
For example, a method may be making excessive use of I/ O. 例如,某个方法可能过度使用I/O。
At the same time, it allows for the sharing of CPU, RAM, and I/ O. 同时,它还允许共享CPU、RAM和I/O。
Underconfiguring SORTHEAP can lead to performance degradation due to increased spilling and I/ O. 将SORTHEAP配置少了可能导致由于溢出和I/O的增加所带来的性能下降。
IBM's implementation uses Shared Ethernet and Virtual SCSI to allow for sharing network and disk I/ O. IBM的实现方法使用了共享以太网和虚拟SCSI来支持共享网络和磁盘I/O。
Remember, I am a bad enemy. O. G. 记住,我是一个死对头。O.G。
I knew he was a sick o. 我就知道他有病。
And alas! I am weary, weary O. 而我是,唉,疲倦了,疲倦了,哦,哦!
Also, it can only detect one of seven different virus serotypes& serotype O. 此外,它也只能探测7种不同的病毒血清型中的一种&O血清型。
The biggest problem to work around are blocking syscalls, mostly for I/ O. 最大的问题要数和使用那些阻塞的系统调用了,尤其是I/O方面的。
In both cases, you get a file descriptor that can be used for I/ O. 两种情况下,你都会得到一个用于I/O的文件描述符。
In this case, what this little string says is, each point should be represented as a red o. 在这个例子中,这个小字符串的意思是,每一个点都是用一个红色的o来表示的。
Pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth were investigated in intergeneric crosses between Brassica species and O. 本文对诸葛菜和芸苔属属间杂交的花粉粒萌发和花粉管生长情况进行了研究。
The solution is to decouple the I/ O system from the way the blocking I/ O. 解决方法是将I/O系统与阻塞I/O的方式进行解耦。
Even with multiprogramming, it's common for all application programs to be waiting for I/ O. 即使在多道程序设计情况下,发生所有的应用程序都在等待I/O操作的情况也是常见的。