How can the above information BE used to explain the different O2 affinity of fetal and maternal hemoglobin? 如何用上述信息解释胎儿与母体血红蛋白对氧的不同亲和力?
Metal oxides contain a metal cation and the oxide anion ( O2-); they typically react with water to form bases or with acids to form salts. 金属氧化物是含有一个金属阳离子和氧化物阴离子(O2-)的结晶固体。它们典型地与水反应生成碱,或与酸反应生成盐。
I managed to get two tickets for the One Direction concert at the O2 arena. 我设法弄到了两张OneDirection音乐会的票,在O2舞台。
The compiler does not perform loop unrolling or function inlining when you specify '-O2'. 当你加入-o2选项时,编译器不会进行循环展开和函数内联。
The experimental data indicated that the scavenging activities of Ophiopogon japonicus for superoxide anion ( O2 ·-) radicals are mainly from homoisoflavone in the ethyl ether fraction. 研究结果表明,麦冬中直接清除超氧阴离子作用主要来自乙醚部位中的高异黄酮成分。
When you are replacing the O2 or H2 trap, or the chromatographic column, or if you change the analyzer's configurations it will be necessary to « resynchronize » the analyzer. 当更换氧和氢捕集阱时,或者色谱柱时,或者你改变了分析仪的配置,都必须去同步分析仪。
The effect of O2 on NO char reaction was investigated in a quartz fixed bed at the atmospheric pressure. 利用石英固定床反应器,进行了氧气对半焦还原NO的实验。
According to the problem of O2 concentration control in incubation control system, an intelligence control way-fuzzy control is utilized. 针对孵化控制系统中的氧气浓度控制问题,采用了一种智能控制方法模糊控制。
Effects of Low O2 Storage on Physiology and Quality of Pine Nut at Ambient Temperature 常温下低氧贮藏对松籽生理和品质的影响
O2/ CO2 pulverized coal combustion technology can control O2 flow, allowing for full combustion of different quality of coal. O2/CO2粉煤燃烧技术可以对O2流量进行控制,使得不同质量的煤都得到充分燃烧。
Our products include temperature controller, industrial controller, O2 sensor, H2 sensor and visualisation software. 我们的产品包括,温度控制器、业控制器、探头,氢探头及上位机控制软件。
What is the physiological significance of the different O2 affinities? 这种不同的氧亲和力有什么生理意义?
And what I want to point out that we just figured out for molecular orbital theory, is that o2 is a biradical, because remember, the definition of a radical is when we have an unpaired electron. 我要指出的是,我们刚利用分子轨道理论,指导了O2是二价自由基,因为记住,自由基的定义是,有个未配对的电子。
The isolated a subunit binds oxygen, but the O2 saturation curve is hyperbolic rather than sigmoid. 分离的a-亚基能与氧结合,但氧饱和曲线为双区线而不是S型。
Decades ago, physiologists discovered that during metabolism, oxygen ( O2) can split into single oxygen atoms, known as free radicals. 数十年前,生理学家们发现新陈代谢过程中,氧分子(O2)会裂解成游离的单个氧原子。
Since tickets became available for the O2 show, they have sold at a rate of three a minute. 自从o2的展览开始售票以来,每3分钟就可以卖出一张门票。
At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, using O2 as an oxidant, HBr and tert-butyl nitrite as catalysts, selective oxidation of a broad range of sulfides was achieved. 在常温常压下,以氧气为氧化剂,溴化氢和亚硝酸叔丁酯为催化剂,高选择性地催化氧化了一系列硫醚。
Once his O2 SEDS hit90, I can't wait any longer. 氧饱和过90,我就不能再等。
He has also fought at the O2 World in Berlin, Germany. 他还战斗在O2的世界在柏林,德国。
Oxygen atom O is one of chemical elements, and most steady existing way with oxygen atom is diatomic species O2. 氧原子O是化学元素中的一个,最稳定的存在方式是两个氧原子结合而成的氧气O2;
This paper studied corrosion behavior of N80 steel in the simulated flow media containing O2 by using recirculating flow loop. 本文采用循环流动腐蚀试验装置,研究了N80钢在模拟含氧流动介质中的腐蚀行为。
Lecture III.B.Gas exchange: The relationship of O2 and CO2 in gas and blood. 气体交换:氧气与二氧化碳在血、气中的关系。
Taylor Swift performs live onstage at the O2 Arena in London with the number'13'written on her right hand. 泰勒斯威夫特在伦敦O2舞台上演出,数字“13”写在她的右手上。
Increasing O2 volume fraction can improve the development of streamer and heighten the discharge current, which is helpful to increase NO removal rate and NO conversion rate into NO2. 提高O2体积分数能够促进流光电晕的发展,增大放电电流,从而提高NO的脱除率以及NO向NO2的转化率。
In this assay, free choline is oxidized by choline oxidase to betaine and H2 O2 which reacts with a specific dye to form a pink colored product. 该检测中,胆碱被胆碱氧化酶氧化生成甜菜碱和能与特殊显色剂反应形成粉红色产物的H2O2。
It includes catalytic dehydrogenation of ethane in fix-bed reactor as well as studies in catalytic membrane reactor, and oxy-dehydrogenation of ethane with O2, N2O or CO2. 概述了国内外近年来乙烷脱氢制乙烯的研究现状,包括固定床反应器乙烷催化脱氢、催化膜反应器乙烷脱氢以及用氧气、一氧化二氮、二氧化碳为氧化剂的乙烷氧化脱氢的研究。
Chemical adsorption of O2 adsorbed in the coal surface-CH_2-NH_2 group 氧在煤表面CH2NH2基团上的化学吸附
The catalyst then knits pairs of oxygens together to make O2. 一对氧原子在催化剂上结合使其成为氧气分子。
But now, O2 is a place to cry for every love you people. 但是现在,O2是一个让每个爱你的人哭泣的地方。
The reaction of triphenyltin with nitrous acid in aqueous phase in the presence and absence of O2 was studied by a laser flash photolysis technique. 利用激光闪光光解技术进行了有氧和无氧条件下氯化三苯基锡与亚硝酸水溶液的紫外光解反应研究。