This specification was adopted by the OMG. 这个规范已经被OMG采纳。
The OMG was reaching closure on the SoaML standard meta-model and notation for service modeling. OMG已经完成了服务建模的SoaML标准元数据模型和符号的制定。
The creation of an XML schema compatible with OMG XMI specification can be a tedious and error-prone task. 建立一个与OMGXMI规范相兼容的XML格式是一个冗长并且容易导致错误的任务。
Next, the OMG must deal with the transmission of characters from one computer system to another. 接着,OMG必须处理从一个计算机系统到另一个计算机系统之间的字符传输。
The OMG SoaML specification defines an industry-standard meta-model and notation for modeling systems using service-oriented approaches. OMGSoaML规范定义了一个使用面向服务方法进行系统建模的行业标准级的元数据模型和符号。
This is an OMG standard that fundamentally defines two aspects of a reuse strategy. 这是一个OMG标准,从根本定义了可重新使用策略的两个方面。
The OMG has refocused its strategy, standards, and positioning to support the MDA approach. OMG已经重新关注它的策略、标准和定位来支持MDA方法。
The OMG CORBA specification describes the IDL union as a cross between a C union and a switch statement. OMGCORBA规范将IDL联合描述成C联合类型和switch语句的混合物。
It is an Object Management Group ( OMG) standard that describes a UML profile and metamodel for the specification and design of services within the SOA. 对象管理组(OMG)标准描述了SOA之中服务规格和设计的UML概要文件和元模型。
Further information about EDOC model elements can be found in the OMG EDOC specification. 更多的关于EDOC模型元素的信息可以在OMGEDOC规范中找到。
This format is based on the OMG standard for asset management. 此格式是基于用于资产管理的OMG标准的。
In the context of this project, we applied a collection of changes to OMG's EDOC specification. 在此项目的上下文环境中,我们对OMG的EDOC规范做了一系列变动。
In the future, OMG QVT-based tools can be used to replace these modules. 在未来,OMG基于QVT的工具可以用来代替这些模块。
In what it calls "model driven architecture," the OMG has provided a conceptual framework and a set of standards to express models, model relationships, and model-to-model transformations. 在“模型驱动的体系架构”方面,OMG提供了一个概念性的框架和一系列表示模型、模型关系和模型到模型转换的标准。
Since its inception, the Object Management Group ( OMG) has provided vendor-and language-independent interoperability standards to the enterprise. 从一开始,ObjectManagementGroup(对象管理组,OMG)就为企业提供了独立于供应商和语言的互操作性标准。
The Object Management Group ( OMG) is performing significant work to improve the UML interchange between modeling tools. 对象管理组(OMG)正在执行改善建模工具之间的UML交换的重要工作。
There were a couple of reasons that the OMG improved UML. 由于一些理由,OMG改良了UML。
This may or may not be true with OMG IDL depending upon the language mapping for your implementation language. 对于OMGIDL,也许是这样,也许不是,这取决于其所映射到的实现语言。
UML is an OMG standard which provides a visual modeling notation that is valuable for designing and understanding complex systems. UML是一种OMG标准,该标准提供了一种可视化的建模表示法,这对设计和了解复杂的系统很有效。
With MDA, the OMG is continuing its quest to support integration and interoperability across heterogeneity at all levels. 利用MDA,OMG继续寻求异构系统间所有层次上的集成和互操作性。
However, leveraging EMF capabilities significantly eases generation of an error-free XML schema complying with OMG XMI specification. 然而,EMF性能的采用,使得建立一个遵从OMGXMI规范的、无错的XML图式变得非常简便。
In addition we are leading standards for developers in our leadership in the development of Soa ML in OMG. 另外,我们在领先的SoaMLinOMG开发中成为开发人员的标准。
Building on OMG's core modeling standards, we created a Model Driven Architecture ( MDA) that is language-, vendor-and middleware-neutral. 在OMG核心建模标准的基础上,我们建立了MDA(ModelDrivenArchitecture,模型驱动体系结构),它是语言、供应商和中间件中立的。
It's official: OMG and LOL are no longer just time-saving shorthands. OMG和LOL不在仅仅是用来省时间的缩略语了。
OMG released a draft of SoaML, a specification for the UML Profile and Metamodel for Services. OMG发布了SoaML草案,它是针对于服务的UMLProfile和元模型规范。
The OMG does not require a reference implementation for a specification to be adopted. OMG没有要求规范的参考实现被采纳。
OMG, what can I do? I may have ruined everything! 天哪,怎么办?很有可能我把一切都毁掉了!
BPDM is a member of a suite of business modeling languages being developed by OMG. BPDM是OMG所领导发展的业务建模语言套件中的一员。
OMG, will I die? What should I do? 天哪,我会死吗?我该怎么办?
Overall, the OMG's technology adoption process must be seen as the core reason for CORBA's decline. 整体上,OMG的技术采纳过程应被视作CORBA失利的核心原因。