I really only had one day off because I did a lot of OT. 实际上我只休息了一天,因为,我加了很长时间班。
You stole from me, and stealing is a torm ot rape. 你偷我的钱,偷窃是一种强。
His classmate do not enjoy his company because he always backbite ot hers. 同学们不喜欢和他在一起,因为他总是背后诽谤别人。
They operate out ot vancouver. 他们在温哥华之外从事经营活动。
There is a tendency to overspend at this time ot year. 每年的这个时候都有高消费的趋势。
Thankfully, we were able to come out on top after double OT. 谢天谢地,在两个加时之后我们取得了最终的胜利。
He told me all about HSI recent trip ot france. 他跟我讲了他最近的法国之行。
He thinks he's so important, but really more important than he is, because he's risen ot. 他以为自己多重要,其实他只不过是一个突然发迹的勤杂员。
The court ruled him out ot order. 法庭裁定他违反程序。
His paintings are full of broad sweeping bands ot color. 他的油画中充满了宽宽的彩色条纹。
This thesis, based on previous studies, attempts to explore the phonological motivation for tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect, and systematically analyzes sandhi rules in light of Optimality Theory ( OT). 本论文基于前人的研究,尝试借助优选论来讨论分析银川方言中连续变调的现象及其音系规则,从而揭示出连读变调的音系机制。
A casserole with a topping ot potato. 上面放着土豆的焙盘。
It's our version ot winter. 这是我们的冬季情况。
As a member, you have privileged access to a wealth ot services. 作为会员,你可享受优质服务的特权。
The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property, but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes, it is safer to vest the ot. 指两个或两个以上的权利主体对同一财产共同享有所有权。共有又分共同共有和按份共有。
But Fletcher says the United players want the title wrapped up as soon as possible, preferably at OT. 但弗莱彻说曼联球员们希望这事越早定下来越好,而且最好是在OT。
We were left stranded in the middle ot nowhere. 我们陷入漫漫荒野中。
See above for details ot prices. 关于价格的细节,请参看前面的内容。
It the radio's right about the weather, you're already out ot time. 你用无线电了解下天气,已经没时间了。
We spent a very jolly evening together, chatting and listening ot music. 我们一起度过了一个令人愉快的夜晚,聊天,听音乐。
I shall open today's proceedings with a word ot thanks. 我要说几句感谢的话作为今天会议的开头。
In these WGA-HRP cases in which the injected areas were located in the polymorphic layer of OT. 在WGA-HRP注射区涉及嗅结节的多形层的各例中。
Among 6 mice bitten by the larvae, 2 were confirmed by detection of Ot. 6只小白鼠被恙螨幼虫叮刺,分离到2株Ot。
Methods The 167 workers in noise and non-noise circumstance were measured by Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI), AVP, ACTH, OT. 方法选择噪声和非噪声作业工人共167人,测定明尼苏达多项人格量表(MMPI)、AVP、ACTH、OT等。
From the test of allergic reaction by intradermal injection with PPD, the survey methods are concluded as follows: the interpretable rate with PPD is higher, the specificity is better, the operation is more convenient, comparing with that of OT. 通过牛提纯结核菌素皮内注射变态反应小区试验,总结出了达州市奶牛结核病普查方法:使用提纯结核菌素(PPD)比普通结核菌素(OT)检出率高、特异性强、操作简便。
Constraints and their hierarchical ranking are the cores of OT. OT constraints are universal to all languages and violable. 优选论的核心是制约条件及其等级排序,制约条件具有普遍性和违反性。
All the analyzing and comparing processes are completed under the framework of OT. 全部分析比较的过程都是在优选论框架下完成的。