
n.  鄂霍茨克海(位于西伯利亚以东)



  1. FEATURES OF BAROTROPIC/ BAROCLINIC VORTICITY AND ENSTROPHY DURING OKHOTSK BLOCKING DEVELOPMENT Application of convective and moist vorticity vectors in the analysis of a heavy rainfall event
  2. The teleconnection relationship between the northeast cold vortex and the subtropical high, the Okhotsk high in summer TELECONNECTIONS BETWEEN SOUTH CHINA SEA SST AND EQUATORIAL EASTERN PACIFIC SST
  3. Peanut Hole ( Okhotsk High Seas)
  4. A peninsula in eastern Siberia; between Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
  5. After all, the South China Sea is a recognized international waterway, unlike the Sea of Okhotsk.
  6. The Sea of Okhotsk is an arm of the northern Pacific to the west of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula.
  7. Mechanism of crack interaction in hydraulic fracture of inclined wells FEATURES OF BAROTROPIC/ BAROCLINIC VORTICITY AND ENSTROPHY DURING OKHOTSK BLOCKING DEVELOPMENT
  8. The development of the Okhotsk blocking high was main reason the heavy precipitation in the Songhuajiang River and the Nenjiang River basins.
  9. Influence on Northern Pacific Storm Track of Okhotsk Sea Ice during Winter
  10. The major dynamic mechanism of collision is the openning of Japanese Sea and Okhotsk sea and subduction of Philippine Plate.
  11. Okhotsk barrage high is the important reason of our province's rainfall.
  12. This study examines the relationship between the subtropical high in the West Pacific and the Okhotsk high in summer, and explains why the subtropical high cannot progress northward when the Okhotsk high is active.
  13. Kuril Basin is the window to study the Okhotsk Sea.
  14. Based on the Arctic sea ice concentration data and the NCEP/ NCAR reanalysis data, the contemporaneous relationship of the winter sea ice in the sea of Okhotsk and its adjacent sea areas with the northern Pacific storm track is investigated by statistical analysis methods.
  15. Distribution and focal mechanism of earthquakes and stress state on Kuril Islands and sea of Okhotsk
  16. Compositions and Orogenic Processes of Mongolia-Okhotsk Orogen
  17. The study on the long-range forecasting of the Okhotsk High in summer
  18. The stable sustenances of blocking high over the East Siberia ( or the Okhotsk Sea), and distribution of Ural trough and Baikal ridge plays a very important role in the serious drought and flood formation in the North China Plane, respectively.
  19. Based on the acoustic survey on the resource of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma) in the high seas of the Okhotsk Sea, the distribution of walleye pollock and the environmental characteristics of its fishing ground were studied, and the relationship between them were analyzed.
  20. Impact of the sea surface temperature anomaly of the east coast of Japan on the development of the Okhotsk High
  21. Compared with spotted seals along Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk, Spotted seals of Liaodong Guif had one base insertion at site 16296 of mtDNA, which prove to be marker between these two populations.
  22. Geological factors for the development of gas hydrates in Okhotsk Sea
  23. Using barotropic and baroclinic enstrophy equations, an Okhotsk blocking occurring from June 3~ 11, 1998 is diagnosed.
  24. Feature of geophysical field and geological tectonics in Okhotsk Sea
  25. In the second place, the climate characteristics of Okhotsk blocking, Baikal blocking and Ural blocking are particularly analyzed. These blockings have a important relationship with atmospheric circulation and China summer rainfall.
  26. While lower velocity anomalies are found in Xing-Meng block, Baikal rift, North China craton, South China block, Indo-China block, Sea of Okhotsk Japan Sea East China Sea Taiwan Island, Philippine plate and South China Sea.
  27. Three semidiurnal tidal amphidromic points in the Okhotsk Sea have been found for the first time, and two diurnal tidal amphidromic points have been verified to exist in the Soya Strait and the Tsugaru Strait.
  28. Over Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk, the dominant anomalous positive horizontal advection of temperature balanced the abnormal non-adiabatic cooling and the abnormal cooling caused by weak upward motion, causing and maintaining these unusually high temperatures in summer.