The Education of Science History for Physics Teacher in Germany and its Inspiration& A Case Study of Oldenburg University 德国物理教师的科学史教育及其启示&以奥尔登堡大学为例
Unlike Claes Oldenburg and his wife, Coosje van Bruggen, the Lalannes did not collaborate so much as co-create. 不同于克拉斯?奥尔登堡和妻子布鲁根,拉兰内夫妇在创作上合作不多。
Claes Oldenburg is the representative guy in the area, who is best recognized with his large scale replica sculptures of every objects. 美国雕塑家奥登伯格正是这个领域重要的代表人物,因为其日常品的大体量雕塑而闻名。
Photographs taken by Oldenburg Expedition from the Mogao Caves 奥登堡考察队拍摄的莫高窟历史照片&《俄藏敦煌艺术品》第三卷序言