Some characters indicate that the pollen aperture of genus Osmanthus is on the transitional stage from simple to compound apertures in Oleaceae. 很多特点表明,木犀属花粉的萌发孔在木犀科中处于由简单萌发孔向复合萌发孔过渡的阶段。
By this method the most of polyhexose could be fast and simply removed, and high quality genomic DNA from the Kudingcha species in oleaceae could be obtained. 应用该法能简便快速地去除多糖等干扰物质,从而获得高质量的木犀科苦丁茶总DNA。
Pollen Morphology of Osmanthus ( Oleaceae) in China and Its Systematic Significance 中国木犀属花粉形态研究及其系统学意义
Coextensive with the family oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order gentianales. 与木犀科同延;在某些分类中,归为龙胆目中。
Pollen Morphological Comparison of Three Species of Medicinal Plants of Oleaceae 3种木犀科药用植物花粉形态比较研究
Four types of fruits Fraxinus Linn. ( Oleaceae) and its systematic significance 梣属(Fraxinus)植物果实的四种类型及其系统学意义
Forsythia suspensa ( Thunb.) Vahl is the fruit from plants of Oleaceae, classified unripe forsythia suspensa and ripe forsythia suspensa, and is the important traditional medicine resource in China. 连翘为木犀科植物Forsythiasuspensa(Thunb.)Vahl的的果实,分为青翘与黄翘(亦称老翘),是我国重要的传统药物资源。
The Advance of Studying on Chilling Requirement of Defoliate Fruits Forsythia Suspensa Vahl. belongs to Oleaceae's defoliate shrub. 落叶果树需冷量的研究进展连翘是木犀科连翘属植物,落叶灌木,传统以果实入药。
A new variety of Ligustrum lucidum ( Oleaceae) from Sichuan Province 四川女贞属(Ligustrum)一新变种
Comparative embryology shows the close relationship between Ligustrum and Jasminum and supports the classification that Oleaceae can be divided into three subfamily. 胚胎学特征显示女贞属与茉莉属有较近的亲缘关系,支持木犀科分成3亚科的分类。
Corroboration of 3-carpel ovary of Fraxinus Linn. ( oleaceae) and its systematic significance 木犀科梣属(Fraxinus)三心皮子房的确证及其系统学意义
The Pollen of Oleaceae Plants Studied by SEM 木犀科植物花粉的扫描电镜研究
Leaf Epidermal Morphology of Osmanthus ( Oleaceae) from China 中国木犀属植物叶表皮形态
Investigations on the species diversity and exploiting situation of the substituting-for-tea plant of Oleaceae in China 中国木犀科代茶植物的多样性与开发状况
Flower of Forsythia Suspense is the flower of Oleaceae plant Forsythia Suspense ( Thunb.) Vahl, early spring blossoms, quantity is considerable, but its chemical composition was not still clear. 连翘花为木犀科植物连翘的花,早春开花,数量可观,但其化学成分尚不清楚。