Fortunately, certified seeing-eye dogs are invari-ably conscientious in their duties, but in today's cartoon American Pat Oliphant plays darkly with the image of a hound running amok. 所幸的是,合格的导盲犬总是尽职尽责,但在今天刊登的这幅漫画中,美国漫画家帕特-奥列芬特以一只狂奔的狗玩了一次黑色幽默。
Pat Oliphant has used the story of the three wise men of different races to comment on a recent political flap. 漫画家奥列芬特采用了来自不同种族的三位智者的故事评论了最近美国政坛上的一起骚动。
Pat Oliphant's cartoon melds two current concerns prominent in US newspapers. 漫画家派特·奥列芬特的这幅漫画融合了当今美国报章的两大热门话题。
Today's cartoon by Pat Oliphant gives a good summary of what people object to in the usual Bush and Kerry styles. 布什与克里惯常的讲话风格都有人们厌烦之处,漫画家帕特-奥列芬特在今天的漫画中对此做了很好的概括。
And what does Oliphant portray young George as having done to the car, or rather, nation entrusted to his care? 那么,奥列芬特笔下的少年小布什对托付给他的那辆汽车,或者说是对美国这个国家做了些什么呢?
A case in point is the relatively new C-130J cargo plane lampooned in Pat Oliphant's cartoon. 相关的一个案例就是帕特·奥列芬特在今天的漫画里所讽刺的较新型号C-130J货运飞机。
As is instantly clear from today's cartoon, however, he has failed to win Pat Oliphant's good opinion. 但是,从今天刊登的漫画可以即刻看出,他并没有得到漫画作者奥列芬特的好评。
This is the background to pat oliphant's cartoon. 以上便是今天帕特-奥列芬特所画漫画的背景。
For Pat Oliphant, President Bush's attempt to conduct a normal presidency while pacifying Iraq is like living in a small flat with a large tiger. 在漫画家奥列芬特看来,布什总统要想在伊拉克恢复和平的同时履行总统的正常职能,就像和一只大老虎住在一件小房子里。
He wears the big Texas cowboy hat that Oliphant gives him to emphasize what the cartoonist considers his immaturity and dependence on a group of ruthless senior advisors. 奥列芬特这样画是想强调他眼中的布什是不成熟的,而且依赖那些缺乏同情心的高层幕僚。
Oliphant gives us a good sample of Kerry on a bad day, with all his unfortunate verbal habits on show. 奥列芬特给了我们一个很好的例子,它展示了克里在最背的一天里显示出的所有不好的语言习惯。
In the background to the right, Oliphant has creatures from outer space dashing for their flying saucer to escape being blamed for what is taking place on earth. 在漫画右边的背景上,奥列芬特画了两个外星人,他们正急着冲向自己的飞船,以躲避因地球上发生的事情而受谴责。
Oliphant shows her as a parrot echoing Bush and reciting a little jingle. 在奥列芬特的画中赖斯像一只鹦鹉重复着布什的话,背诵着小调。
Oliphant said the engineering sector is critical to the economy of South Africa and she urged unions to use mediation channels available to them. 奥利芬特说,工程部门对于南非经济至关重要,她敦促工会利用他们可获得的中间渠道。
If nothing else has tipped you off ① yet, that switch from donkey to'ass'should be evidence enough that Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics. 如果你现在还没有悟出什么,那么用词从驴转到ass就足以证明奥列芬特并非真正为牲畜流行病而担忧。
Oliphant shows Senator Lott on a camel, trying to join the multi-racial three wise men on their journey to find Jesus-note the guiding star in the upper left corner. 奥列芬特所画的洛特骑在一只骆驼上,打算加入到多种族的三位智者中去寻找耶稣&请注意在左上角有一颗指路星。
Oliphant depicts him as a male turkey, a bird with a decidedly pompous manner. 奥列芬特将他描绘成一只雄火鸡&举止的确十分傲慢的一种鸟。
Here Oliphant makes Bush out to be a scrawny beast, not the muscular and rather cuddly sort of working dog that most real seeing-eye dogs are. 在这里,奥列芬特把布什画成一只很瘦的动物,而不是像大多数真导盲犬那样的健壮而可爱的狗。
She denies any wish to run in2004, but Oliphant, like many observers, is not persuaded. 她否认有竞选2004年总统的任何打算,但漫画家奥列芬特像很多观察家一样并不相信。
Finally, in the lower right we see the little bird who figures in most Oliphant cartoons. 最后,在右下角,我们看到一只小鸟,它在奥列芬特的大多数作品里都出现过。
Oliphant's cartoon takes us into a world like that of the immensely rich industrialists and financiers who were prominent in the early 20th century. 奥列芬特的漫画将我们带到了一个似乎是20世纪早期的知名的工业巨头和金融寡头的巨富世界。
Here Uncle Sam is the blind man and his canine helper is none other than George W.Bush, as is unmistakable for anyone who follows Oliphant's cartoons. 在此处,山姆大叔是个盲人,他的犬助手除了布什还会是谁呢?这对于常常看美国新闻漫画的人来说是不会搞错的。
In today's cartoon Pat Oliphant shows us the young George W.Bush returning a bunch of keys to his father, who is seated in an armchair. 在今天的漫画中,漫画家派特-奥列芬特画出了小时候的小布什正把一串钥匙还给爸爸,此时爸爸正坐在安乐椅上。
"Ron" gave America "George I", i.e.George HW Bush, whom Oliphant lampooned almost as fiercely as he had Nixon. 此后里根让美国有了“乔治一世”即老布什,奥利芬特对老布什讽刺的激烈程度如同对尼克松一样。
Clearly Oliphant believes that Republican tax cuts, on top of the expensive war in iraq, are making it harder for the us to respond to unforeseen events. 显然,奥列芬特认为,开支巨大的伊拉克战争再加上共和党的减税政策,使美国更加难于对突发事件做出反应。
In today's cartoon Pat Oliphant's skill at presenting social comedy is on vivid display. 在今天的漫画中,漫画家帕特-奥列芬特表现社会幽默的技能生动地展示出来。
Remember that reporters, though employees of a firm, are no one's subordinates& in their own view, and Oliphant's. 然而请记住,记者虽说是报社的雇员,但在他们自己看来(同时也是奥列芬特的观点),并非是谁的下级。
Probably America's greatest cartoonist now active, Oliphant is from Australia. 似乎美国最优秀的漫画家正活跃于画坛&奥列芬特,来自澳大利亚。
Oliphant, Michael. "Rethinking the Language Bottleneck: Why don't Animals Learn to Communicate?" 1988. 重新思考语言的瓶颈:为什麽动物无法学会沟通?〉1988。
Bush, as is unmistakable for anyone who follows Oliphant's cartoons. 这对于常常看美国新闻漫画的人来说是不会搞错的。