Preliminary observation of imported Oncomelania hupensis distribution and diffusion regularity in areas without snails 非螺区输入钉螺分布及扩散规律的初步观察
Objective to explore the molluscieidal effect of Areca catechu on Oncomelania hupen-sis. 目的观察槟榔提取物杀灭钉螺的效果。
Oncomelania hupensis is the intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum, and its distribution is consistent with that of schistosomiasis. 钉螺是日本血吸虫的中间宿主,钉螺的分布与血吸虫病的分布一致。
Objective To study the distribution of Oncomelania hupensis with generalized negative binomial distribution, and provide the theoretical support for quantitative study. 目的介绍并应用广义负二项分布研究湖北钉螺的分布规律,为定量化研究提供理论依据。
Relationship between distribution of Oncomelania snails and normalized difference vegetation index in hilly and mountainous areas 山丘地区植被指数与钉螺分布的关系
Objective To study the attraction effect of the food attractants on Oncomelania hupensis. 目的观察钉螺食物引诱物对钉螺的诱杀效果。
Infectivity of infected Oncomelania snails to reservoir hosts of Schistosoma japonicum in northern China 感染性钉螺在北方水域对动物宿主的易感性
Effect of total alkaloid hydrogen sulfate from Macleaya cordata on the ultrastructure of the reproductive system of Oncomelania hupensis 博落回总生物碱硫酸氢盐对钉螺生殖腺超微结构的影响
These results indicated that radulae of Oncomelania snails could not be used in classifying oncomelania snails. 上述结果进一步证明钉螺齿式不宜作为分类的唯一依据。
Effect of acryl-thiourea on activities of Oncomelania hupensis and the snail eggs 丙烯基硫脲对钉螺成活及螺卵的影响
Effect of Eomecon chionantha alkaloids on nervous system of Oncomelania hupensis 血水草生物碱对钉螺神经系统超微结构的影响
It is suggested that the karyotype data should be valuable in the taxonomy of Oncomelania and in the epidemiologic investigation of Schistosomiasis. 同时还探讨了钉螺核型在其分类学和血吸虫病流行病学上的意义。
Detection of Schistosoma japonicum-infected Oncomelania hupensis by loop-mediated isothermal amplification 检测日本血吸虫感染性钉螺环介导等温扩增方法的建立
Niclosamide was the only WHO recommended molluscacide, and was widely used to kill oncomelania to prevent and cure of snail fever. 氯硝柳胺是WHO唯一保留推荐使用的灭螺药,广泛用于杀灭钉螺预防血吸虫病,同时氯硝柳胺还是一种良好的驱除绦虫的药物。
Study on the quantitative relationship of oncomelania hupensis diffusion with the flow regime of the Dongting Lake 洞庭湖钉螺扩散与疫区水情变化的定量关系研究
It indicates that the method can be used in karyotype analysis of Oncomelania hupensis. 结论用钉螺血淋巴细胞制备染色体,方法简便,图像清晰,可读性好,便于进行核型分析。
The miracidia can infect Oncomelania snails and the cercariae enable Apodemus agrarius and mice to develop infection. 虫卵孵出的毛蚴能感染钉螺,逸出的尾蚴能再感染姬鼠和小白鼠。
Subspecies differentiation of Oncomelania hupensis in Mainland of China 中国大陆湖北钉螺种下分化研究进展
The middle layer water intake is one of main engineering measures for intercepting oncomelania snails, and it is a key structure for preventing snails dispersion through sluice gates. 中层取水是防止钉螺通过涵闸引水扩散的主要工程措施之一,在长江流域血吸虫病疫区得到了较广泛的应用;但在实际应用过程中存在着一定的问题。
Dimethylol hydroxy propylene urea Effect of acryl-thiourea on activities of Oncomelania hupensis and the snail eggs 二羟甲基羟基丙撑脲丙烯基硫脲对钉螺成活及螺卵的影响
Inhibitory effects of niclosamide derivatives containing polyethylene glycol groups on acetylcholinesterase activity of Oncomelania snail in vitro 聚乙二醇基氯硝柳胺衍生物体外抑制钉螺乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的研究
Objective To study the molluscicidal activity, the influence on glycogen content of Oncomelania hupensis and the acute toxicity to zebra fish of the extract from Phytolacca americana Linn leaf. 目的探讨垂序商陆叶杀灭钉螺效果、对钉螺糖原的影响及其对斑马鱼的急性毒性。
Objectives To establish method for collecting haemocytes of Oncomelania hupensis and study its morphology and immunological importance. 目的研究获取钉螺血淋巴细胞的方法,观察其形态结构,研究其免疫等相关功能。
Impact of factors related to pattern of water diversion of South-to-North Water Diversion Project on spread north of Oncomelania snails 南水北调输水模式中相关因素对钉螺北移扩散的影响
The researchers found that an increase in the length of time environmental conditions were ideal for the growth of both the Oncomelania snail and the Schistosome worm. 研究人员发现适宜于钉螺和血吸虫生长的时期在过去几十年中有不同程度的延长。
Susceptibility of Oncomelania snails collected from three regions of Hunan Province to Schistosoma japonicum isolated from Yueyang 湖南省3地区钉螺对岳阳日本血吸虫分离株的易感性
The glycogen content of soft tissues of Oncomelania hupensis treated by the ethyl acetate polar fraction was determined by the anthrone method. 用蒽酮比色法测定灭螺活性部位对钉螺糖原的影响;
Increase and decrease of Oncomelania snail population in Yizheng City in 2002~ 2008 and the control strategy 仪征市2002~2008年钉螺控制策略研究
Objective To explore the methods to predict the distribution of Oncomelania hupensis in the marshland of Jiangning County. 目的探讨江宁县江滩钉螺孳生分布的预测方法。
The population dynamics of Oncomelania hupensis after snails control in marshlands in Changsha section of Xiang River 湘江长沙段洲滩钉螺防治后的种群动态