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  1. Many of these ORFs are known virulence factors associated with phage-like elements, as observed in other pathogens.
  2. On top of these studies, the authors now show that the variants map to known RNA functional elements, such as internal ribosome entry sites ( IREs) and upstream ORFs.
  3. In addition to the original AMAC gene, the three transduced AMAC copies contain intact ORFs in the human genome, and at least two are actively transcribed in different human tissues.
  4. The correctness of the method is examined by 6 260 known genes and ORFS of yeast genome and its successful rate is 99.9%.
  5. Objective To determine the nucleotide sequence of cloned CD1 fragments from Leishmania mexicana and find ORFs predicted to have protein coding function.
  6. Furthermore, by screening the WSSV genome, we selected several putative ORFs that may code envelop protein and phage display to analyze their binding ability to host cell.
  7. All of three ORFs were demonstrated to be necessary for the Dnd phenotype.
  8. The evolution meanings of α and β were discussed and a conclusion that Eukarya had a bias towards the longer ORFs was obtained.
  9. Neither of the ORFs had a TATA box, but both had CCAAT boxes for virus RNA polymerase ⅱ conjugation.
  10. Phylogenetic analysis of 4 ORFs of PSV-Mi with strains of PSV, CMV and TAV showed that PSV-Mi, PSV-ER and PSV-W form three different evolution branches, which also supports above result.
  11. A method for predicting first kind of open reading frame ( ORF) is given, which is called Terminal Codon Method. The first kind of ORFs is the ORF that has not intron in it.
  12. Simultaneously, some obvious characteristics of ORFs named with TY ( TY ORFs) and ORFs named in other ways ( ORFs) are obtained and the variations of all the ORFs in yeast genomes of 2001 and 2002 years are discussed.
  13. Using the Z curve method, it is found that for the bacterial genome with high G+ C content, the distribution pattern of ORFs shows a flower-like shape.
  14. The structural characters of ORFS in the bacteria and yeast genomes
  15. The genome of the TGEV has been engineered as an expression vector of an infectious cDNA, The vector led to the efficient and stable expression of a heterologous gene, inserted in the site previously occupied by the nonessential ORFs 3a and 3b.
  16. Average length of ORFs is 847 bp.
  17. Results of the translated amino acids sequence comparison showed it had 6 main ORFs and 2 minor ORFs.
  18. In order to explore the genetic diversity at ORFs levels and indica-japonica consanguinity proportion in-depth of 47 weedy rice.
  19. They shared 102 common ORFs, including the 30 baculovirus core genes.
  20. All these ORFs started with Valine or Methionine, and were greater than 100 amino acids in length.