On the Translation of "On Ormosia" from the Perspective of "Reception Aesthetics" and "Skopos Theory" 从接受美学和目的论的角度评《红豆曲》的翻译
Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from the Hypocotyl of Ormosia henryi Prain 花榈木胚轴愈伤组织的诱导及植株再生
Comparison of karyotype of Ormosia glaberrima and Ormosia henryi. Title光叶红豆和花榈木核型比较。
A new species of ormosia Jack in Guizhou Province 贵州省红豆树属一新种
Summaries of Regularity of Blossoming and Bear Fruit of Pinus tabulaeformis in Seed Plantation Preliminary Research on Characteristics of Florescence and Seed Germination of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl& Wils 油松种子园开花结实规律研究进展红豆树开花结实规律及种子发芽试验
Leaf Epidermal Morphology of Ormosia Jacks. ( Leguminosae) in China 中国红豆属植物的叶表皮形态学
Study on Seed and Seedling of Five Rare Species of Leguminosae Such as Ormosia Hosiei 红豆树等五种豆科珍稀树种种子及幼苗研究
The Biological Characteristics and Ornamental Value of Ormosia pinnata 海南红豆的生物学特性和观赏价值
A study of the technology and recipe for processing ormosia milk 红豆奶加工工艺和配方研究
Occurrence and damage of red rust disease on Ormosia pinnata 海南红豆红锈病的发生与危害
A Study on the Ecological characteristics value of the hundred-year-old virgin forest of Ormosia hosiei 红豆树百年老林分的主要生态特征值研究
The Phenology rhythm of Ormosia hosiei sapling: burgeon growth period is between the last ten days of March and the middle ten days of November. 红豆树苗木的物候节律:发芽生长期3月下旬-11月中旬。
The leaves of Ormosia hosiei tree began change mostly in the end of November in FuJian province. If met the hoar frost descends, the foliole fell off rapidly. 福建省境内的红豆树立木的叶相变化多数始于11月底,若遇霜降小叶即迅速脱落。