If I could find the right turning point in the narrative, then maybe, like Orpheus, I could bring the one I sought back from the dead. 如果我能早点找到叙述关键的转折点,那就可能,像奥菲士,能够从死神手中寻回她。
There was only one condition that Orpheus had to agree on. 只是奥菲斯得遵守一项条件。
According to double-bass player Don Palma, a member since the group's founding in1972, the difference between working in Orpheus and working in a traditional orchestra is dramatic. 低音提琴手DonPalma从1972年团队成立时就加入了,他认为传统乐队和Orpheus的工作方式差距很大。
One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice. Philip became acquainted with Kathy. 其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。菲利浦开始与凯茜认识。
Orpheus proves that size is less important than vigour, and its string section's lush, powerful sound belies its small stature. 奥菲斯室内乐团始终在证明乐团的生命力比规模重要。
The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration ( Thomas Bulfinch) 奥菲士的传说为蒲柏提供了例证(托马斯布兰芬奇)
Sir Orfeo: a Lay about Resurrection; Orpheus spent the rest of his days wandering around in sorrow. 《奥菲奥爵士》:一首关于死而复生的莱歌奥菲斯的余生便在伤心徘徊中度过。
Orpheus had lost his soul mate forever because he had broken Hades 'essential demand. 奥菲斯违背了黑德斯最基本的要求,因而永远失去了他的精神伴侣。
For that reason, Orpheus does not play the big Mahler, Bruckner or Tchaikovsky symphonies. 正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。
Orpheus spent the rest of his days wandering around in sorrow. 奥菲斯的余生便在伤心徘徊中度过。
His central theoretical works are "Literature and the Right to Death"( in The Work of Fire and The Gaze of Orpheus), The Space of Literature, The Infinite Conversation, and The Writing of Disaster. 他的核心理论著作有《文学与死亡的权利》(载《火的作品》和《俄耳甫斯的凝视》),《文学空间》,《无限的对话》,以及《灾难书写》。
Then Orpheus made the decision to go to the netherworld. 奥路菲就作出了去冥界的决定。
In addition, Hermes brought Eurydice back to Hades after Orpheus looked back towards his wife for a second time. 此外,赫密士在欧律狄刻回首去望妻子第二眼的时候,把欧律狄刻带到地狱,与俄耳甫斯相一致。
Then Orpheus began to play his music and softened Hades 'heart. 于是奥菲斯开始演奏他的音乐,黑德斯因而心软。
( Greek mythology) the wife of Orpheus. (希腊神话)俄耳甫斯的妻子。
While they were walking to the upper world, Orpheus became afraid that his wife was not behind him. 当他们走向阳间,奥菲斯开始担心他的妻子没跟在他后头。
The members of Orpheus know the power of communication, and it is the lifeblood of the organization. Orpheus团队的成员很清楚沟通的力量,这也是该组织的生命线。
The nymphs of the valley soon made friends with Orpheus, and when he had grown to be a man, one of them, whose name was Eurydice, became his wife. 山谷中的仙女不久也和奥普斯成为朋友,他长大了之后,她们之中一个叫尤莉提丝的仙女还嫁给了他。
Inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus, Williams intertwines two themes: to save the world and to escape it. 威廉姆斯的《琴仙下凡》基于有关俄菲斯的希腊神话,贯穿了两条并行的主题:即艺术家救助他人与逃避尘世的欲望。
Orpheus and Narcissus, as well-known heroes in ancient Greek mythology depicted in the 8th Chapter of Marcuse's famous work Eros and Civilization, were endowed with new meanings in aesthetics and culture. 俄耳浦斯和那喀索斯是古希腊神话中为人们所熟知的英雄人物,马尔库塞在其著作《爱欲与文明》第八章中重点谈论了这两个神话形象,并赋予他们以新的文化寓意和美学内涵。
Orpheus is made to the development of the doctrine of Cubism, slowly to emphasize color geometric patterns. 俄耳甫斯主义是由立体主义发展来的,慢慢的转向偏重色彩的几何图样。
The fifth chapter, Orpheus, and abstract. 第五章,俄耳甫斯主义和抽象派。
The first chapter, Orpheus painting style research. 第一章,俄耳甫斯主义绘画风格研究。
The fourth chapter, Orpheus, and cubism. 第四章,俄耳甫斯主义和立体主义。
Orpheus liberalism itself belongs to cubism in one, a Polly Nair put Cubism is divided into four trends: Science, physics of Cubism Cubism, Orpheus, cubism, and instincts of cubism. 俄耳甫斯主义本身属于立体主义中的一种,阿波利奈尔把立体主义分为四个趋势:科学立体主义、物理立体主义、俄耳甫斯主义立体主义、和本能立体主义。
Orpheus painting of Delaunay with a full color palette into the analytical Cubism, which opened the way for synthetic cubism. 俄耳甫斯主义绘画中的德劳内带着一块全色彩的调色板进入到分析立体主义,从而为综合立体主义开辟了道路。