In a tweet this morning, Troy Wolverton, personal technology columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, described the release as "an amazing collection of Orwellian doublespeak." 《圣荷西信使报》(SanJoseMercuryNews)的消费科技专栏作家特洛伊•沃尔夫顿今早在Twitter上称,这篇新闻稿简直就是“一堆奥维尔主义式的欺人之谈。”
The slogans felt Orwellian to an outsider. 在旁观者看来,这些标语让人感到奥威尔的意味。
Monitoring compliance electronically, for all its Orwellian implications, does improve the overall frequency of handwashing. 电子监控员工是否完成这些日常事务,尽管带有一种奥威尔式的意味,却的确能从整体上提高洗手的频次。
So in Orwellian fashion, the buyout firms decided to change their moniker. 因此,用奥威尔的说法,并购公司决定改名换姓。
The thought of grinning politicians telling people how happy they are is truly Orwellian. 露齿微笑的政治家们告诉人们有多幸福的思想事实上是赞成严格统治而使人失去人性的。
We think immediately of orwellian "big brother" world, of prisons and asylums where there is total control. 我们会立刻想到奥威尔的专制世界,想到受到完全控制的监狱和精神病院。
The "VILLAGE," then, would transcend the Orwellian" Big Brother "role and become surrogate parent. “村”,那么,将超越奥威尔“大哥大”的角色,成为孕母。
Or do you think we're heading for an Orwellian mass surveillance system? 还是你认为我们正在走向一个奥威尔大规模监视系统吗?
The Clinton's not only redefined the family but they created an Orwellian euphemism for bureaucracy to replace it. 柯林顿的家人,但他们不仅重新创造奥威尔委婉官僚代替它。
In1984 ( a year of Orwellian significance), activist and media and social critic Edward Herman wrote one of his many important books titled Demonstration Elections. 在1984年(1年的奥威尔的意义),活动家和媒体和社会评论家爱德华赫尔曼写道之一,他的许多重要的书籍名为“示范选举”。
It all sounds like a thrilling Orwellian movie, but it's happening in real life. 这一切听起来很刺激奥威尔电影,但它发生在现实生活中。
The word client has become Orwellian doublespeak. 客户一词已成为奥威尔(Orwell)式的故弄玄虚。
This had been the city's practice for30 years, the legacy of an era when being called Comrade Party or Comrade State blended in more with the Orwellian spirit of the time. 毕竟这个惯例已经在大连实行了三十年,它是那个党和国家盛行“同志”叫法并带有毁灭人性社会时代的产物。
And these are the same institutions that have conspired with the Fed to destroy our financial system to make way for a one world government, which is a euphemism for an Orwellian police state. 这些都是相同的机构,串谋美联储摧毁我们的金融体系,以便为一个世界政府,这是一种委婉的奥威尔式的警察国家。
The critics of cloning say we should know what we're getting into, with all its Orwellian implications. 批评复制胚胎的人说我们要了解面对的是什么,要清楚它含有的奥威尔式的暗示。
Yet in a contemporary Japan where the disconnect between language and reality has taken on Orwellian proportions& when was the last time anyone believed what a Japanese politician was saying? 然而在当代的日本,这个言论与事实完全矛盾的社会&还有人相信日本政客的胡言乱语吗?
Why should we pay the Orwellian licence fee? 我们为什么要支付奥威尔的牌照费?