The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate. 这位法老就是俄西里斯,丰产神的化身。
The next day I tried the "Osiris Plan," and it worked! 第二天,我实行了“奥西里斯计划”,居然成功了!
I knew then that even Osiris and Ra, 3 put together, couldn't help me. 那时我才明白,即使奥西里斯和太阳神都来帮我也无济于事。
Certainly, Osiris was a prototypical Jesus. 当然,奥西里斯是一个典型的“耶稣”。
This suggests that Osiris might have been a prophet of God, and his original message was not preserved and corrupted by time. 这表明,奥西里斯也许是个先知,他所传达的信息或许因为时间的流逝而遭到修改。
But Isis found the pieces, made wax copies of them to be worshipped in a temple and, preserving Osiris 'body with linen bandages; she breathed life back into him. 但是伊西斯找到了尸体碎片,并把它们重新拼到一起,并且到一个庙宇中祈祷并给尸体绑上亚麻绷带,他使奥西里斯重新获得呼吸。
At any rate, Osiris, being restored to life, became the judge of the under-world. 据说,奥西里斯遭谋害后,生命得以复活,成了冥世的判官。
Egyptians came to believe that no god, except Osiris, could bestow eternal life on mortals. 古埃及人开始相信,除奥西里斯神以外没有神可以赐给凡人永生。
During the swing-by, OSIRIS observed Earth's night-side. 在变轨期间,OSIRIS观测了地球夜晚那一面。
In the papyrus, Ani's journey has a good outcome. Horus, the son of Osiris, speaks up for him, and he's admitted into paradise. 根据纸莎草卷轴的描述,阿尼的旅程得到圆满的结果。奥西里斯之子荷鲁斯为他说好话,他获准进入天堂。
Of all savior-gods worshipped at the beginning of the Christian era, Osiris may have contributed more details to the evolving Christ figure than any other. 根据BarbaraG.Walker,《女人的神话和秘密百科全书》:在基督教开始阶段,所有的救星被崇拜前,奥西里斯的概念可能超过其他任何事物更促成耶稣概念的形成。
It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods, Osiris, Jupiter, and Plutus, or the ancient deified leader Nimrod, was celebrated. 早期基督徒是挪用了好几位异教神的出生日子作为圣诞庆祝:欧西里斯、朱庇特和普路托斯,或者是远古时候被神化了的狩猎带领者。
In the Egyptian myth, Horus and his father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable, as in "I and my Father are one." 在埃及神话中,何鲁斯和他的父亲奥西里斯,常常可以互换。如同“我与父原为一。”
The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating, dying and being reborn, were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities, and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ. 一个圣人下凡,死而重生这样的观念,在这些社会已是流行的神秘学说,不难将密特拉神或奥西里斯神换成基督。
As a deity of creation and life it was also associated with Osiris. 如同创造和生命的神那样它也与欧斯里斯有关。
In deference to the ancients, I called this the "Osiris Plan."? 为了表达对古人的敬意,我把这种方法命名为“奥西里斯计划”。
Some scholars believe that Prophet Idris ( Enoch in the Bible) was the same as the Egyptian god Osiris. 一些学者相信,先知伊德里斯(圣经中的以诺)就是古埃及的奥西里斯。
Osiris was'Truth,'and those who ate him became'Truth'also. 奥西里斯是真理,谁吃他的“肉”就也成了真理。
The myth of Osiris included some monotheistic features, such as belief in the hereafter, resurrection of the dead, Day of Judgment, and beginning and ending the prayer with Amen. 在奥西里斯的神话中有很多一神教特征,比如:死后复活,审判日,祈祷开头和结束都说“阿蒙”。
Horus was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island. 奥西里斯死后,其妻子伊西斯通过祈祷竟然神奇的怀孕了,并在一个岛上生下了何鲁斯。
Like that of Jesus, Osiris 'resurrection served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal. 和耶稣一样,奥西里斯的复活向所有人表达了他们也能这样并成为永恒。
Osiris coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion, which point directly to Osiris'star in the east, Sirius, as a sign of his birth. 奥西里斯的到来是被三个智者宣布的,即三颗星:Mintaka,Anilam,和猎户座的参宿一带的Alnitak。直接指向奥西里斯的明星在东部,天狼星是他出生的迹象。
Osiris 'brother Seth envied his power and popularity and killed him by luring him into a coffin, which he sealed with lead. 奥西里斯的弟弟塞特嫉妒他的能力和知名度,塞特欺骗并引诱到一个棺材里后杀死了他,并把棺材封死。
The main concern is the death of the Egyptians, they believe that the soul of the deceased to enter the underworld, where Osiris on the ground according to their way of life to try them. 埃及人主要的关怀是死亡,他们相信死者的灵魂要进入阴间,在那里,奥西里斯要根据他们在地上的生活方式来审判他们。
Egypt, where the myth of Osiris was originated, shares borders with Palestine, where Jesus lived. 奥西里斯的神话起源地埃及和耶稣居住的巴勒斯坦一带接壤。
Osiris was also the god of the vine and a great traveling teacher who civilized the world. 奥西里斯也是神的葡萄枝和一个伟大的给世界带来文明的旅行导师。
In the Egyptian sky, the3 stars of Orion's belt was the embodiment of Osiris. 在古埃及的夜空,猎户座的腰带三星就是欧西里斯的化身。
The lid shows a series of protective deities, as well as a scene of Osiris before an offering table. 盖显示了一系列的保护神,以及一个现场奥西里斯前一神台。
The god Osiris himself is also depicted on a bier, awakening to new life. 神明奥西里斯描绘自己也是一个棺木,觉醒,以新的生命。
St. Paul familiarized his disciples with the idea that Jesus, like Osiris, was a god who died to rise again and give men immortality. 圣保罗使他的信徒们熟悉这样一种思想:耶稣,像奥西里斯一样,是一个死而复活、使人永生的神。