Studies on Some Biological Characteristics and P32 Gene Encoding for the Main Structural Protein of Goat Pox Virus 山羊痘病毒某些生物学特性及其主要结构蛋白P32基因的研究
Cloning and sequence analysis of P32 surface protein genes of three strains of bovine Theileria sergenti 三株牛瑟氏泰勒虫P32表面蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析
Cloning of the Major Surface Protein P32 Gene from Ovine Theileria and Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector 羊泰勒虫主要表面蛋白P32基因的克隆及真核表达载体的构建
Cloning, Sequencing and Expression of Goat Poxvirus P32 Gene 山羊痘病毒P32基因克隆、测序及表达
Expression of P32 gene of goatpox virus in baculovirus 山羊痘病毒P32基因在杆状病毒中的表达
Expression of Capripoxvirus P32 Protein 羊痘病毒P32蛋白的表达
P32 protein is one of the virus structure proteins. It stands out on the virus envelope surface and contains neutralized antigen epitope. 羊痘病毒P32蛋白是位于羊痘病毒膜表面的主要结构蛋白,含有中和抗原表位;
Seven cases of new karyotypes of chromosome abnormalities were found which were not reported previously in the world. 46,, XX, t ( 1; 7) ( P32; P22); 本文首报7例世界人类染色体异常核型如下:46,XX,t(1;7)(p32;p22);
Separation and Purification of the surface protein P32. 7 of N. bombycis的蛋白质尤其是表面蛋白为研究对象,对其进行分离纯化及其相关领域的分析研究。
Finally, the expressed product from the P32 gene was detected by SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting. 最后用SDS-PAGE和Western-blotting对P32基因的表达进行检测。
The following work were done in this study: ( 1) TK and P32 gene of GTPV-TY were cloned by PCR with primer pairs designed by information published on GENBANK; 主要进行了以下工作:(1)根据GENBANK公布的羊痘病毒基因组序列设计引物,利用PCR克隆GTPV-TY株TK基因和P32基因;
Establishment of PCR method and sequence analysis for P32 gene: According to the sequences of P32 gene in GenBank, a pair of specific primers were designed, and a PCR method was established successfully. 基于P32基因PCR方法的建立及其基因序列分析:参照GenBank已发表的GPV基因序列,针对P32基因设计与合成了1对特异性引物,成功地建立了针对P32基因的PCR方法。