His eyes light up whenever he teaches Mad or Pax something new and sees them laugh or scream with joy. 每当他教马德或帕克斯学新东西,或看见他们大笑或开心地尖叫时,他就会两眼放光。
Dr Pax Leonard describes the area as the "cultural centre of Greenland". 莱奥纳多博士称这些地区是格陵兰的文化中心。
The PAX file is created in the/ tmp/ snapcore directory. PAX文件在/tmp/snapcore目录中生成。
This creates an archive ( snapcore_pid. pax. Z) in the directory/ tmp/ savedir. 此命令将在目录/tmp/savedir中创建一个存档(snapcorepid.pax.Z)。
The pax command is used to extract files from the snap package. 使用pax命令从snap包中提取文件。
United States of America 3 pax plus 1 infant 美国3成人及1婴儿
The BRICs nations are determined that the transition from the global Pax Americana to a new world order will be more successful. 金砖国家(brics)坚信,从“美国统治下的和平”(paxamericana)到建立新世界秩序的过渡将会更加成功。
This has previously been possible with Pax Web, but this brings a standard so that any OSGi runtime can be used. PaxWeb早就可以实现这一点了,但现在形成了标准,任何OSGi运行时都可以使用了。
If these three forces move in a favourable direction, the most likely world will be a relatively optimistic combination of globalisation with a more Asian face plus Pax Americana. 如果这三股力量都朝着良好的方向发展,那么最有可能出现的世界将是相对乐观的结合,即有着更多亚洲面孔的全球化,再加上美国主导的和平。
The pair have three adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. 这对情侣至今已领养了三个孩子,分别是马德克斯、帕克斯和扎哈拉,并育有三个子女希洛、薇薇安和诺克斯。
Beijing is a big beneficiary of the "Pax Americana" enforced by the US Navy that keeps its sea lanes open. 中国是美国海军执行的“美国治下的和平”(paxamericana)的巨大受益国,美国海军保持了海上航线的开放。
He couldn't go with us to Vietnam to get Pax because he was working. 他不能和我们去越南去见帕克斯因为他有工作在忙。
For example, Pax World Fund, based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, says it invests only in companies "that treat their employees, their environment, and their communities with respect". 举个例子,派克斯世界基金,总部设在新罕布什尔州的朴次茅斯,说它只投资于那些“尊重员工,尊重环保,尊重社区”的公司。
Gone are the days, from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana, when Britain and the United States made the rules that others followed. 曾几何时,从泛英时代到泛美时代,英国和美国制定规则,他国遵守的日子过去了。
For six decades after the second world war, an American Pax Pacifica has provided the security and economic framework within which Asian countries have produced the most rapid economic growth in history. 在二战后的60多年里,美国的太平洋和平为亚洲国家有史以来最快的经济增长提供了安全和经济框架。
The world peace can not be "Pax Americana", only be" multilateral corporation ". 未来的世界和平不会是美国霸权治下的和平,而只能是多边协调下的和平。
After half a century of pax Americana in the Asia-Pacific, China has emerged as a direct challenger to US pre-eminence in the region, an uncomfortable development for a long-term American ally such as Australia. 亚太地区历经半个世纪美国主导的世界秩序(PaxAmericana)后,中国已崛起为美国在该地区主导地位的直接挑战者。对澳大利亚这样的美国长期盟友来说,这是个令人不安的动向。
Not only that, but Pax URL's MVN protocol is installed, which makes it possible to install bundles from Maven central ( and where necessary, automatically wrap them as bundles). 不仅如此,Karaf还安装了PaxURL的MVN协议,这样就可以从Maven中央仓库(在必要的情况下会自动将其包装为bundle)安装bundle了。
Pax Christi, International Catholic Peace Movement 基督和平会-国际天主教和平运动
A cat snaps a rat's pax wax. 一只猫咬断一只老鼠的项韧带。
MCO number should also be indicated on PAX airfare ticket. 同样,在机票上也要显示出MCO号码。
Stephen Pax Leonard will soon swap the lawns, libraries and high tables of Cambridge University for three months of darkness, temperatures as low as-40C and hunting seals for food with a spear. 斯蒂芬·帕克斯·伦纳德在未来的三个月里将告别剑桥大学的茵茵绿地、图书馆与贵宾餐桌。取而代之的是无边的黑暗、零下四十度的严寒,他还要用鱼叉猎海豹果腹。
We owe Vietnam a visit, because Pax is due. 我们还没去越南,因为帕克斯有自己的计划。
So the Pax Romana may have sounded great, if you were an elite, but if you were not in the elite, it may have seemed more oppressive than anything. 所以罗马和平对精英阶层听着很美好,但如果你不是精英阶层,就会觉得更像是压迫。
Ah, the cute, cuddly furry Panda is a symbol of Pax Sinica. 这个可爱,毛茸茸的熊猫就是中国研究院的标志。
Perhaps most important, hyperpowers are capable of maintaining peace; the Pax Romana gave the West an unprecedented two centuries of relative stability, prosperity, and order that would have been impossible but for Rome's hegemony. 可能最为重要的是,超级强国能够维持和平;罗马和平(paxromana)史无先例地为西方带来了200年的相对稳定、繁荣和秩序,没有罗马霸权,这都是不可能的。
Besides Shiloh and the twins, Pitt and Jolie also are parents to three adopted children: Maddox, 7, from Cambodia; Pax, 4, from Vietnam; Zahara, 3, from Ethiopia. 除了夏洛伊和刚出生的双胞胎,皮特和茱丽还领养了三个孩子:7岁的马德克斯、4岁的帕克斯和3岁的扎哈拉,他们分别来自柬埔寨、越南和埃塞俄比亚。
Brad officially adopted Angie's son Maddox, now9, and then the pair adopted Zahara, 6, had Shiloh, 4, adopted Pax, 7, and had twins Knox and Vivienne, 2. 布拉德正式收养了安吉丽娜9岁的儿子马多克斯,之后他们又收养了6岁的扎哈拉、4岁的夏伊洛和7岁的帕克斯,还有2岁的双胞胎诺克斯和维维恩。