China and Australia will test a post-combustion capture ( PCC) pilot plant in Beijing as part of a plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from thermal power stations. 作为减少热电厂二氧化碳排放计划的一部分,中国和澳大利亚将在北京进行燃煤电厂二氧化碳捕集示范工程试验。
Effect of Retention Systems on Fractal Properties of Flocs of PCC Suspension 助留体系对PCC悬浮液形成絮体分形特征的影响
I like it here, but PCC is better. 我喜欢这里,但是我认为PCC更好。
Fitting of Q-S curves and bearing capacity calculation of PCC pile PCC桩Q-S曲线Bolztmann模型拟合及承载力计算
Mr Desmond, after all, left the PCC and expressed his contempt for his fellow tabloid proprietors. 德斯蒙德最终离开了英国媒体投诉委员会,并表达了他对其他小报老板的鄙视。
Research on H2S absorbent-pcc in drilling fluid 钻井液中硫化氢吸收剂PCC的研究
DNA Content Detection, Differential Proteomic Study and Expression Analysis of PstB in Microcystis Aeruginosa PCC 7806 Cultured on Different N/ P Nutrients 不同N/P条件下铜绿微囊藻DNA含量分析、差异蛋白组研究及PstB的表达分析
Nor has the PCC tamed the rougher practitioners of the trade. pcc也没有驯服行业中那些粗鲁的从业者。
Design and Implementation of AC Sampling Based on PCC 基于PCC的交流采样的设计与实现
Frequency Conversion Electrical Haulage Shearer Based on PCC 基于PCC控制的交流变频电牵引采煤机
Asphalt leveling course has effect on providing working platform for asphalt leveling course and preventing reflection cracks in the "adding AC overlay on PCC pavement" project. 水泥路面白改黑工程中沥青找平层起着提供沥青加铺层工作平台和防反射裂缝的作用。
Fractal Study on Flocculation of PCC Suspension Induced by CPAM CPAM对PCC悬浮液絮凝作用的分形研究
Furthermore, by use of this model test system, the full-scale load tests on PCC piles are done, and the results indicate that the full-scale pile foundation test is feasible. 此外,利用该试验系统进行了现浇混凝土大直径管桩室内足尺静载荷模型试验,通过将试验结果与现场实测结果进行对比,表明利用试验系统进行桩基室内足尺试验是可行的。
Research of Establishment and Application about Truck Road PCC Pavement Conservation Quality Evaluation System in Jiangsu Province 江苏省干线公路水泥混凝土路面养护质量评价体系建立与应用研究
Study on the Tire/ Road Noise Characterizes of PCC Pavement 水泥混凝土路面轮胎/路面噪声与交通噪声评价方法研究
Globalization, the third dimension in PCC required for a core ( international) city to include global image and accessibility, is unimportant as far as macroeconomic functions of cities are concerned. 对一般城市的宏观经济功能而言,不要求(如核心都市般)具有高度的全球可及性或国际形象。
Surface sizing using raw starch with fatty acid and raw starch coated PCC was studied. 对用原淀粉复合脂肪酸、原淀粉包埋沉淀碳酸钙(PCC)作为纸张表面施胶剂进行了研究。
Study on the Control of Extraneous FBA from the Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120 外源fba对鱼腥藻7120光合活性的调控研究
Design and Realization of Automatic Synchronization Device Based on PCC 基于PCC的自动准同期装置设计与实现
Mixes white latex in ordinary cement concrete according to proportion, it turns white latex polymer cement concrete ( PCC), have a excellent capability in highway. 在普通混凝土中掺入一定比例的白乳胶,形成白乳胶聚合物改性水泥混凝土,其具有优良的路用性能。
According to a CSIRO news release, the pilot project will initially focus on assessing the performance of PCC under Chinese conditions. 根据CSIRO发布的新闻,此项工程将主要集中在评估烟气二氧化碳捕集技术在中国的适用情况。
Design of Neural Network PID Controller Based on PCC 基于PCC的神经网络PID控制器设计
Study on Starch Coated PCC in Papermaking 淀粉包覆PCC在造纸中的制备与应用研究
Neil Wallis, a former deputy editor of the News of the World who also served as a member of the Press Complaints Commission until 2009, was detained by police for questioning. 曾担任《世界新闻报》副主编的尼尔沃利斯(NeilWallis)被警方拘留接受询问。沃利斯在2009年前也是英国媒体投诉委员会(PCC)的成员之一。
The influence of harmonics produced by Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railroad on Jiangsu Power Grid is studied with ETAP, including the harmonic current and voltage of PCC. 在ETAP软件中进行仿真分析,研究沪宁城际铁路对江苏电网的影响,包括公共连接点的谐波电流和谐波电压。
The amplitudes of the LPP/ P200 and the PCC activation positively correlated with subjective emotion and risk ratings of the risky environmental events. 我们还发现,LPP/P200的幅度和PCC激活程度与风险环境事件的主观风险和情绪评价分数正相关。
The uniform distribution and less flocculation of modified PCC in the paper are proved by observing of by SEM. 通过SEM可以观察到改性PCC在纸张中分布均匀、不易絮聚。
Application of TLA Modified Asphalt in Project of PCC for HMA in Quzhou Section of No.320 State Road TLA改性沥青在320国道衢州段白改黑工程中的应用
In addition, the new PCC for Smart Care provides the ability to collaborate with other Smart Care Customers and Partners, and helps co-create knowledge with other Cisco and non-Cisco experts. 另外,新的智能关怀PCC能够与其他的智能关怀客户和合作伙伴协作,并有助于与思科的和非思科的专家共同创造知识。
Application of PCC in local control unit of hydroelectric power station PCC在水电站现地控制单元中的应用